"When I first woke up, I was really not used to it, so I always wanted to run away, but I was always caught back. The first time I escaped, I was caught by Wu Liyang .

Later, Elder Wu always sent people to watch me, and Mu Ziqiu was always by my side, so I had no chance to escape.In addition, I am really useless!

However, the happiest thing for me is to have you by my side.Although at the beginning, I didn't want this kind of side husband.Now that I think about it, this is actually a blessing from God. "

After the wild cat finished speaking, he took a deep breath, and then looked at Mandala, who was silent but listening carefully, and said.

"So, I'm actually not your princess! This is my secret! Will you reject me because I'm not a real princess? Mandala..."[

The wild cat's eyes are very sincere, and it is extremely focused when looking at the mandala.

"Of course not...Because a princess is a princess...I met this kind of princess, and I agree with it, this is also the kind of princess!"

Mandala looked at the wild cat, and this time, he answered seriously.

"So, I will not veto Mandala! I once said that you are my most important friend and family.

So no matter what Mandala does, it must have its own reasons. I will not veto Mandala! "

Wildcat looked up with a smile, then showed the bracelet on his wrist and said:

"Thank you for lending me the spirit stone... Don't worry, when everything is settled, I will lend you the holy object so that you can save your most important person."

Mandala was taken aback:

"Princess, do you know everything?"

"En! Xiao Fu told me! Actually, I knew from the beginning that you have Lingshi, and I also knew that you must have something to hide from me.

But, selfishly, I never got to know it.If it was Xiaofu, I would not have realized it yet.Mandala, promise me that no matter when, cherish your life.

I said, I'm not worth it!I don't want you to be like Wu Liyang, understand? "

Even if Xiao Fu didn't say anything, she could guess what Mandala was going to do next.

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