"I said, I want that spirit stone, do you understand?"

Gu Yue looked at Elder Wu with a shallow smile, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.


That spirit stone is so easy to get.

"Don't forget, Elder Wu doesn't have a holy object, or if the holy object is incomplete, your wish will not come true!" [

Gu Yue smiled and leaned against the back of the seat, talking slowly.

"Yes, I understand!"

Elder Wu nodded and finally agreed.

"Very good! Then, the remaining five spirit stones of that princess should be collected. I'll go get them back now!"

Gu Yue said with a smile, turned around, and disappeared in the same place.

Elder Wu's brown eyes narrowed slightly, and his hand holding the scepter tightened.

He was a little unsure whether it was right for him to do so.



He has to!

------------------ So the next step is the dividing line for the lunch box -------------------

Leaning in Mandala's arms, the wild cat sobbed for a long time, and finally vented its sadness.

"Princess, I think if Wu Liyang knew that I made you cry again, I'm afraid she wouldn't forgive me!"

There was a smile on the corner of Mandala's mouth, and then he hugged the wild cat's shoulder and said:

"Wu Liyang's share, I will work hard for him!"

The wild cat listened and looked up with a smile:

"Thank you! However, this effort must be done by myself!"

"It's really touching! Miao Miao has really grown up!"

Suddenly, a white light flashed in front of the wild cat and the mandala. [

There was a voice in the white light that was so familiar that it made the wild cat gnash her teeth. She stood up abruptly, looked at the white light in front of her, full of vigilance, and even transformed a broom in her hand.

Mandala stood in front of the wild cat, with countless vines protruding from it, ready to attack at any time.

After the white light passed, Gu Yue's smiling figure emerged from the white light.

The wild cat looked at Gu Yue's smiling figure, and tightly held the broom in his hand, his eyes were full of pain and anger.


Today's [-]th update is here, see you tomorrow!

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