"Brother Wang, long time no see!"

Ye Mao looked at Yu Wenxuan sitting on the upper seat and smiled slightly.

Yu Wenxuan frowned.

"I'm not your brother!"

He flatly denied it. [

"Of course you are my brother king, otherwise it would be meaningless for you to sit here! Otherwise, what reason would I use to support you to ascend to the position of Demon King?"

Ye Mao approached Yu Wenxuan with a smile.


Lie Feng couldn't help but make a sound when he heard it.

The princess never said before that she would let Xian.

Bei Mingcang looked at the wild cat, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked.

No matter what decision Wildcat makes, he will support it to the end.

If she wants to become the demon king, he will help her remove all obstacles, including Yu Wenxuan who is currently on the throne.

If she doesn't become the demon king, then he will bring her back to the demon clan and let her stay by his side.

In fact... For Bei Mingcang, not being the demon king seems to be more in line with his wishes.

Otherwise, this woman would have to surround herself with so many side husbands.

"Princess, you mean Rang Xian?"

The gray-clothed man asked with a frown, which didn't seem to mean surprise, but unwillingness.

The wild cat looked at the man in gray strangely, because his voice seemed to reveal too much emotion.

This emotion once again felt familiar to Wildcat.

Wildcat looked at him and smiled:

"Of course! Because between me and Brother Wang, it is obvious that Brother Wang is more qualified than me! He is just a useless princess who drags others down everywhere. So, I am willing, so Brother Wang cooperates with me!"


Yu Wenxuan frowned, not understanding what could be possible for the two of them to cooperate. [

"Yes, in order to show my sincerity, I brought a person to Brother Wang!"

The wild cat clapped its hands while talking, and then, a small figure came out from behind the wild cat, looked at Yu Wenxuan, and showed a sweet smile:

"Brother, I miss you so much!"

Yu Wenxuan was taken aback for a moment, as if he couldn't believe it.

Immediately afterwards, the little girl threw herself into Yu Wenxuan's arms.


The thirteenth update is here today, see you tomorrow!

Don't worry, this week will be over!


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