Pounce and counterattack! (2)


As soon as her words fell, before Kong Xuan came back to his senses, a group of scorching flames rushed towards Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan was startled, it was too late to dodge, the ball of flame sprayed straight on Kong Xuan's body, making Kong Xuan's whole body burnt black.

Feng Susu got up, looked at Kong Xuan coldly and said: [


"Beauty, don't leave! My family really likes you!"

Kong Xuan was scorched black all over by the fire, but he still hugged him

Immediately, Feng Susu turned around and kicked Kong Xuan fiercely somewhere.

Immediately, the two Neon people standing aside frowned deeply.

that place……

The lifeblood of a man!

It hurts...



What I heard was Kong Xuan's enjoying moaning.

Not only did he not hide, he seemed to be very happy.

Feng Susu couldn't bear it any longer, that iceberg face that had never changed for thousands of years almost cracked.

Immediately, she kicked Kong Xuan away fiercely, and cursed coldly in a low voice:


Feng Susu glanced coldly at Kong Xuan, who was in a panic on the ground, and then spread her wings, and golden red wings appeared on her back.

She waved her wings and flew into the sky at once.

Kong Xuan watched Feng Susu spread her wings and fly into the sky, and she was fascinated immediately:

"A beauty is a beauty, she looks so pretty when she loses her temper, and she even looks so pretty when she spreads her wings! Sure enough, she and the slave family are a natural match." [

Kong Xuan lay down on the ground with a drunken face, seeing Feng Susu's figure flying away, he suddenly came to his senses.

He stood up from the ground, and after a ray of light flashed across his body, he changed back into that seductive beauty again.

The same scarlet robe, the same high bun, and that face so beautiful that even gods would stop.

Seeing that Feng Susu's figure was about to disappear, the red wings behind him spread out and flew into the sky.

"Beauty, wait for my slave..."

Kong Xuan's red figure disappeared into the sky along with Feng Susu, leaving a speechless crowd behind.  The

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