The animal baby is one and a half years old: the husband of the beast man is so fierce

Chapter 11: Caught by a birdman to feed bloody raw meat 【2】

It seems that many of the birds here have such beautiful and incredible golden eyes. I don’t know if it is related to the locally produced golden moss.
However, this bird does not have a human face, with a sharp beak, more like a common bird.But this bird has no feathers. Its whole body is covered with short, half-inch-long hairs that are almost animal hair, which look sharp and sharp, thick and hard.When the wings are retracted behind her, the whole body is only about the height of her thighs.Yuan Feiyu directly thought, this bird should weigh about ten catties, I don't know if the meat is delicious or not.

This is the jungle and the laws of nature are at work.The law of the jungle preys on the strong, not because it wants to eat her meat, but as the high end of the food chain, she also wants to eat its meat.

Seeing the food, Yuan Feiyu's eyes finally brightened. Her eyes were fixed on the bird's claws. The claws were very sharp and could easily scratch her flesh, but as long as it wasn't harmful, as long as it didn't kill her with one blow , she has more than half hope to kill it.

As long as you are willing to be scratched, you can eat meat! [

There are still other ephedra-colored meat birds in the sky screaming loudly: "Quack... Quack... Quack..." But the terrain is not suitable for bird hunting, and there is no space for large-scale docking.They can only hover over the trees to help.

She saw a maple tree with thick and thin arms nearby.She grabbed the drooping treetop and pulled it back hard.The bird's claws were too sharp, and she didn't dare to fight it casually, but it was still possible to use human intelligence to fight back.

The tree creaked as she pulled it to the extreme, and as soon as she loosened her hand, the whole tree flew towards the sparrow-colored meat bird with such force that the bird jumped up and dodged.She hurriedly ran to the other side, dodging the branch that was drawn back, and swung the crutch in her hand vigorously. To one side of the bush branch, and pulled it hard, a finger-thick blood hole was nailed alive on the fleshy wing, and bright red blood leaked out.

Seeing this blood, Yuan Feiyu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, um, blood of this color is more secure, just now she was really afraid that the bird would bleed blue, green and golden blood, so she would not dare to eat it .

Although the ephedra meat bird suffered a loss by being unprepared, because its hair is relatively short and not feathers, it is not afraid of these small details like the birds on the earth.It balances on its claws, dodges a few steps, and plucks its wings from the branches, but it can no longer use its strongest flight to win, and in this kill, it has claws and skill, she has Crutches and intelligence, the strength is basically equal.

Yuan Feiyu had already seen another fallen branch. There is not much in this forest, but there are many fallen branches. She pulled it up, and this one was longer, about 1.5 meters long, more suitable for the current fight.

She hit the ephedra meat bird again, this time the stick hit the bird's chest, making a huge hollow booming sound!She didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but she nimbly hid behind the tree. She shrank into the denser bushes little by little to avoid the group of ferocious hunters who were staring at the sky.

One one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

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