The animal baby is one and a half years old: the husband of the beast man is so fierce

Chapter 115: An Egg Is Laid: A Baby Beast Is Born out of thin air [4]

Her birth was a tragedy, and everyone felt that she should live a humble life, including her biological father, husband, and younger sister, but no one loved her or cared about her.But she just didn't believe it, she didn't believe that she couldn't live a good life, she must go to those who abused her, trembling and kneeling at her feet, begging her for mercy and forgiveness.


The sound of Ji Bird beauty's fingers snapping came clearly.

Click, click... Just like a small ice crack will eventually create a huge crack, one finger after another is cut off correspondingly, it hurts! !

Only relying on the last two fingers tightly clamped, the beauty Ji Niao pulled Xue Mei's heart back with a strong willpower that would not lose to any male, fell to the ground, and passed out. [

One one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

By the time the beauty of the auspicious bird wrapped her injured hand and returned to the snow cave with the ruby ​​tripod pot and the heart of snow charm, the glimmer of light in the sky had already been dyed blue-purple.

The beautiful light constantly flashing between the sky and the earth is the aurora.No one can describe the playful, capricious blinding light of this bitterly cold air, the dark sky of polar night solemn and silent, when the first capricious wings of light again and again throw bright Mysterious and wise, like the most brilliant hero in the world, Aurora, thus began to end the long polar night.

It was pale at first, and gradually turned into an unpredictable light of blue-green.Although it cannot be as bright as the sun in the sky, the darkness is over after all.

A pair of bright black eyes on the face of the beauty of the lucky bird, whose shape could no longer be discerned, gleamed happily.

She will return with a fortune, fame and status.She shook her sore hand, she will succeed!

After returning, the wood spirit body was still standing there black and black, motionless.Xue Mei, who had transformed into a huge snowball beast, stood sadly from a distance. Seeing the beauty of the auspicious bird, she puffed up her fur in shock, but she didn't make a sound.

After winning a victory, the beauty of the auspicious bird is in a good mood.She put the heart of snow charm next to the wooden body.This thing was too cold, and she couldn't bear it even if it was next to her body.

She first ate a full meal of the meat and vegetables warmed in the ruby ​​tripod pot, and then sat there to rest.She was going to capture Xue Mei alive.This task is not difficult at all. She has fought this Xuemei before, and her ability is very poor. She must have just transformed into it not long ago.With the heart of Xuemei, she will have the opportunity to successfully tame this Xuemei.

All the ideas are so perfect, the beauty of the auspicious bird is immersed in the great fantasy of happiness, she only missed one person.

The original flying fish! !

Yuan Feiyu, who was able to successfully cross over from another world, is naturally an unbeatable Xiaoqiang-level character.

She fell asleep in a dazed state.This kind of hibernation-like deep sleep is naturally the baby's funny.Originally, it was inhaling aura vigorously.Later, it was discovered that the wood spirit liquid seemed to be boiling, and the temperature was rising steadily. Even if the golden clothes had a strong healing power, they could not resist this kind of wood spirit liquid that was about to burn people.It can only guide part of the spiritual power into the mother's body, and the mother and child absorb the spiritual power together.

Originally, the spirit-absorbing ability of the magic fetus was very powerful, let alone a pure-blood demon baby.

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