The animal baby is one and a half years old: the husband of the beast man is so fierce

Chapter 117: An Egg Is Laid: A Baby Beast Is Born out of thin air [6]

Yuan Feiyu thought about his 18 years of limited knowledge of soothing people in his mind.She doesn't know what to do now is the best for the baby.

The only thing to do is to calm the baby down and let him be rational and clear enough to deal with it on his own.

She hummed a nursery rhyme softly in her mind: "I am the happiest when I am with Gazelle. I am the happiest when I am with Gazelle.

But I exchanged that gazelle for a violin, but I exchanged that gazelle for a violin.Sing, my fiddle, sing, my dear fiddle.

I played the violin, la... I played the violin, la... Everyone danced around, and the earth danced, everyone danced around, and the earth danced too.Sing, my fiddle, sing, my dear fiddle.Although I will grow old and be blinded and deaf, although I will grow old and be blinded and deaf.But no one will give this violin to anyone, but no one will give this violin to anyone. [

Sing, my fiddle, sing, my dear fiddle. "

This is her favorite nursery rhyme, light and joyful.Her voice is very good. Although her singing is not strong enough, she has a sentimental meaning, which is very suitable for singing little love songs or gentle nursery rhymes.

The egg was spinning at a high speed, but when it heard the mother's singing, it seemed to have slipped and stopped for a while, and then began to spin rhythmically again.

From the two tigers, to the clay dolls, from a group of ducklings in the pond to Shuiniu Shuiniu, from the black cat sheriff to each other's babies... Yuan Feiyu sang all the nursery rhymes he could sing .

One advantage of humming in your head is that your throat doesn't hurt.But it was even more nerve-wracking than usual real singing, Yuan Feiyu felt extremely tired.

Baby Egg stopped spinning, and she felt that water was slowly flowing out from the most secret place below water flowed out...

Hmm... Although she has never had a child, she has some common sense. What Yuan Feiyu thinks in her mind at this time is that the amniotic fluid cannot be broken!

Only this thought came into my mind, and I felt something slipped out from under me, it felt like a... small stone.

She was startled and opened her eyes wide, which were immediately stimulated by the liquid to tears.But when she closes her eyes, she can still see clearly...

God, didn't she only see her own body when she closed her eyes?Why can she see things outside of herself now.

I was squatting in a spring of light black, dirty and smelly hot water (the wood spirit itself was crying: look at this color, how much it has ravaged me!) On my body, there is one more—— ——Green French, Chinese, noodles, buns, strips!

Yes, I didn't give birth to an egg, but a pair of French, Chinese, noodles, and buns! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

It is long and hard baguette that can be eaten for two weeks without changing the taste! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The original flying fish was struck by lightning, even the TV University graduates can't stand such a thunder!

She reached out and poked the baguette that seemed to be hers, the skin was smooth.Brilliant and shiny, even in a pool of light black water, you can still know its color is green.After basic contact, I know it should still be an egg.But is there such a long ratio of balls?Although it was born by himself, Yuan Feiyu still felt a kind of disharmony.

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