Tiger Whip classmate...

Yuan Feiyu directly knelt down to ORZ, a powerful name.

"Well, Tiger Whip, I'm leaving." Yuan Feiyu said.

Hubian looked at the orc stone gambler and nodded: "Okay. I hope to see you again in the future."

"Heh..." Yuan Feiyu smiled.This orc is very nice, he treats people kindly and enthusiastically, he doesn't think of others, he is simple and kind. [

Yuan Feiyu turned around and wanted to open her backpack, but this time, the beautiful girl Ji Niao did not dare to let her big thorny Lubao stimulate these males who were already a bit fierce.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, she hugged the original flying fish, flapped her wings, and flew towards the sky.

Seeing Yuan Feiyu ignoring him, the stone gambler became mad and yelled: "Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

Hubian also yelled: "Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho... Ho Ho Ho Ho... Ho Ho Ho Ho... Ho Ho Ho Ho..." blocking his way.

Yuan Feiyu couldn't understand, and she was far away, and soon she couldn't hear anything clearly.

But the beauty of the auspicious bird showed a hint of thought in her eyes, she could understand the language of the winged tiger tribe, and the yelling stone gambler said that you dare to let go of the woman I like.This sentence is nothing, but what Hubian said is that the female is from the same noble race as our patriarch's wife, and should not be harassed by other clansmen.If the patriarch came back and saw that he had forced the female, he would not spare him.

Beauty Ji Niao thought in her heart, it turned out that the original flying fish was not a deformed hybrid demon, but a very noble race.Perhaps it was a very rare high-level female like Xuemei.She looked at the petite Yuan Feiyu in her arms, it was a white and soft ball, very cute, and she was so obediently attached to her body, obviously both female, it would make her feel very comfortable, let alone A pompous and proud male.

Some females are like this. They obviously have no skills at all, but they just know how to flirt and make people like them.Thinking of my sister who is usually a white lotus flower who only sheds tears when facing men, how my sister is not as good as my sister in everything, and can be spoiled by my old husband like that, I hate it in my heart.I couldn't help adding some strength in my heart.

Yuan Feiyu's back hurts from being hugged for no reason, she frowned: "Hold looser, don't squeeze the baby."

Beauty Ji Niao relaxed her hands, Yuan Feiyu opened the backpack on her back in that posture, and Xue Mei came out holding her plump husband-in-law.The wood spirit body also jumped out, and unfolded into an extremely beautiful flower in the air, and several people jumped on it.

The wood spirit body is isolated from the outside world, and the baby actually doesn't know what's going on outside.Yuan Feiyu shared a story with his son and daughter-in-law that he was lucky, a blind cat met a dead mouse.The self-satisfied look made Miss Ji Niao's brain ache from anger.Some people are so lucky, they obviously don't know how to do anything, and they can earn money that they have worked so hard to earn in their entire lives, which is really annoying!

The beauty of the auspicious bird felt that she would get angry if she continued to listen, so she immediately flew down to hunt her prey.

After about an hour or so, she came back with a cut Ugly Nose Cat in her hand, and put it into the red jade tripod pot and started cooking.

Yuan Feiyu looked at the ingredients and said, "I finished eating today, I'm going to go down and find something tomorrow. I've finished all the side dishes."

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