The animal baby is one and a half years old: the husband of the beast man is so fierce

Chapter 153: A Pure Blood Demon Baby with Royal Bloodline 【4】

The beautiful auspicious bird behind her said respectfully: "My master is a pure-blood demon master, and this is our master's companion." She didn't call her female, but her companion.It means that Yuan Feiyu's status is that of a legitimate wife recognized by the pure-blooded demons.

The mixed-blooded demons were a little in awe of the pure-blooded demons. Hearing this, he hesitated and said hesitantly, "Which lord is it?"

Auspicious bird beauty looked at the mixed-blood demon youth, her voice was still polite: "We will tell the registrar. Our adults do not allow us to say his name casually."

Standing on the border of the Demon City, the pure-blooded demons were the absolute ruling class, and the mixed-blooded demons touched their noses, but didn't dare to make any noise, so they went back in despair.He whispered a few words to Lian.Lian took a few glances at Yuan Feiyu, stared slightly, and threw a battle force directly over, what she wanted was to directly blow Yuan Feiyu away.She was upset when she saw a female who was more attractive and beautiful than herself.What's more, this female is simply a low-level hybrid demon deformity.Maybe it's the plaything of some pure-blood demon clan's itch, or how to explain that there is no strong protector around him.

Besides, even if it is a pure-blood demon clan, how many families in the world can compare with her Luo family. [

The beauty Ji Niao rushed to Yuan Feiyu regardless of her own safety. Anyway, she was just a mixed-race demon maid. She could lose face, but she couldn't let Yuan Feiyu lose face. This was related to their future foothold in the Demon City.

The battle whip condensed by Lian's spiritual power slammed on the beauty of the auspicious bird, and with a snap, the beauty of the auspicious bird was rolled into the air. The beauty of the auspicious bird spread her wings and stumbled a few times in the air before she crooked He still chose to land in front of the original flying fish.Her voice was urgent and fast: "Registrar Registrar!!"

There were very few guests in the registration hall of the pure blood demons.But the guards are no less than the other registration gates.Two rows of twelve tall mixed-blood demon warriors immediately stepped forward to intervene.

A two-meter-tall mixed-race demon maid wearing a beautiful green gleaming soft wing woven bodice and tight skirt twisted around.She has a pair of emerald green eyes, and she smiles slightly, and her green eyelashes are raised up like a small fan, shining brightly.She saluted Lian, her voice was so flattering that she could drip water: "Hello, Lord Lian, welcome back to the magic capital, I am Momo. I am a third-rank demon warrior and the new registrar of His Royal Highness."

You must know that the pure-blooded demons are very proud, and many of them disdain to talk to the mixed-blooded demon maids.What Momo meant was that her background was worthy of serving the pure blood demons.And with His Royal Highness as a backer, she should give her some face.

Lian snorted, and pointed at Yuan Feiyu with her chin, with a trace of hatred in her cold voice: "This is the hall of pure-blooded demons, why do you even let freaks in here? I seem to remember that there is such a rule , even if her master is a pure-blood demon, but she is not worthy to enter here without her master leading her, otherwise this freak will become a rationed female in the army."

"Wow... Master Lian is too cruel, is such a little female going to be a rationed female in the army?"

"Yeah, such a weak little thing, I'm afraid it will die after a few days of playing. It's so pitiful!!!!"

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