The animal baby is one and a half years old: the husband of the beast man is so fierce

Chapter 615: Fruit of Life: Black-bellied Baby and Strong Male 【11】

Because the big devil really wanted to close the matter quickly before the durability of his curiosity was lost, and directly break open the void, let out the passage, release the breath of Qiu Xiaobao, and let Di Jiye It's easy to find, rush all the way. www>

The big devil lazily stretched out a finger, gently tapped on Qiu Xiaobao's fleshy buttocks, touched his tailbone, exerted force with his fingertips, and a wave of tangible spiritual power powerful enough to condense into mist Breaking through the air, soaking into Qiu Xiaobao's physical strength, walking with the power of his blood, constantly moistening his blood vessels, further hardening the already strong blood vessel walls, making the soft and tough blood vessels painful The screams seemed to be frozen for a moment, and the whole body of Qiu Xiaobao was glowing, as if there was a little sun inside, so that even his flesh and blood could not stop the strong light in his body, and every green blood vessel was clearly visible. It shines brightly, and you can see more than 100 blocked places. Although none of them are really blocked and there are thin gaps for blood to flow through, the elasticity, tension, and hardness are comparable to those of gold and stone in the later stage of spiritual cultivation. For the blood vessel walls of Demon Warlords, they are too narrow and fragile.

The big devil snorted, the mist of spiritual power in the air was quickly absorbed by Qiu Xiaobao at an extremely domineering speed, and he continued to strongly absorb the big devil with an extremely greedy desire. spiritual power.

The uncontrollable desire made the big devil laugh a little, and instantly understood why the big devil in the devil world didn't open the bloodline spiritual wall for his beloved grandson of the pure-blooded demon clan.

A ninth-level demon war king might not be able to bear so much spiritual power to be listened to all at once, not to mention that Emperor Laomo wholeheartedly wanted to break through the demon god and reach the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. [

What is incomparable to the scarcity of females in the Lower Realm is that there are so many outstanding females in the Ultimate Bliss Realm. Every male who has finally become a demon god is like a dry clansman meeting a sweet spring when he enters the Ultimate Bliss Realm. Only by marrying seventy or eighty can the desire be reduced a bit.

Of course, no one is willing to share these things with the males of the lower realm, so they can only implicitly urge the descendants of the lower realm to work hard on spiritual cultivation and not to think too much about other things.

The spiritual power of the big devil pierced into the first blockage, completely digested the blockage with the purest spiritual power in the throbbing pain of the blood vessel wall, and then entered the next blockage...

Xue Mei retreated obediently and sensiblely, and dug out the seasoning from the ring not far away to continue making delicious snake meat.

It seems that Qiu Xiaobao's quality is really unprecedented. It takes so much effort to get through these blockages with his high-level spiritual power. Is this little bastard going to become a god? After getting through by himself, his The blood vessel walls can probably withstand the spiritual power of at least a sixth-level magician.

For a moment, the big devil was delighted to see a good material and beautiful jade, and also aggrieved that he had suffered a big loss.

No matter what, this place was originally a place for everyone to enjoy, and the spiritual power that has accumulated for thousands of years is wasted if not taken.

He flipped his hands over and took out a huge green fruit, Xue Mei took a look at it and drooled immediately.

Wooooow, it's delicious! ! !

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