The animal baby is one and a half years old: the husband of the beast man is so fierce

Chapter 618: Fruit of Life: Black-bellied Baby and Strong Male 【14】

Fortunately, Zhong Qianqian rescued everyone: "The smoke from the torch is so heavy that it hurts the skin. I remember I have a luminous pearl." She took out a string of luminous ball bracelets from the ring and put them on her hands. The ball emitted a faint light. Although the surrounding area was still surrounded by green mist, it could still be seen at a distance of about one meter.

Yuan Feiyu and Zhong Qianqian saw each other's blue and green faces, and called each other, "Ghost!"

The sitting students wished they could jump up and pack up the two quarreling bastards and throw them into the Plain of Spring.

Yuan Feiyu and Zhong Qianqian held hands and slowly moved together, circling around to find a quiet place, even a chair would be good.It is said that three to five days of practice is not a problem, and three to five days is enough for a month in the earth's calendar. It is really impossible for Zhong Qianqian and Yuan Feiyu to stand for a month.It doesn't matter to Yuan Feiyu, she still has a pearl-recognition space, so she can go in by herself.But Zhong Qianqian couldn't help it.

Her pearl awareness space has not been raised to the second level so far, probably because she didn't pay attention to it. In her opinion, everything is good enough for her now, and she doesn't need to work hard to create more wealth and power for herself. Yes, she is really a woman without too much ambition. [

However, the situation at this time gave her some ideas. Animals can be raised at the fourth level of the pearl space, which also means that other people can enter at that time. No matter how she thinks, she must at least reach the fourth level , When in danger, the family can also come in together.

The two stumbled and touched all the way, until they reached Di Jiye's side. There was a lot of space behind him without guards. Di Jiye flicked his tail, indicating that the two females must be in the small space in front of him. Placement, not allowed to go behind.

It was a place about one meter wide and four meters long, with the students in the front and the Demon Warlords in the back, Wei Di Ji Ye sat on one side, leaving a section open, Yuan Feiyu put down a blanket, and sat on Di Ji Ye himself On one side, let Zhong Qianqian sit on the other side.Then he took out a long sword, and the two of them pierced the ground with their breastfeeding strength, and then hung a night pearl on the hilt to become a difficult-to-use lamp holder.

Putting on the small table, Zhong Qianqian took out the fruit and started making juice, Yuan Feiyu took out some food, and spread it into the shape of flowers with the most exquisite utensils.

The two quickly exchanged cups and ate with laughter.

The aroma of the food was actually more enticing than a millennium spiritual storm, making the students who were cultivating suddenly feel hungry, swallowing their saliva and continuing to practice spiritually, excruciatingly painful.

After eating and tidying up, the two fell asleep separately.Yuan Feiyu's head was right between Dijiye's legs, and fell asleep not long after, Yuan Feiyu, who likes to hug things, hugged Dijiye's thighs with his soft, fragrant hands, squeezing and sleeping soundly, Di Jiye was burning with desire while cultivating spirituality, wishing he could use the formation immediately.

Such a sweet burden!Although the two people have never had the affectionate words between ordinary lovers, and there is no so-called vow of eternal love, but in Di Jiye's heart, he has long regarded this cute little female as the most sacred and inviolable in his own field. of.Maybe he doesn't understand the so-called love of human beings, but in his opinion, he has the strongest sense of responsibility of the Golden Winged Man and the most instinctive possessive desire of a man towards the original flying fish. These two points are stronger than all touching true love.

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