The animal baby is one and a half years old: the husband of the beast man is so fierce

Chapter 620: Fruit of Life: Black-bellied Baby and Strong Male 【16】

Zhong Qianqian took out a small knife and cut open the night pearl. The six thumb-sized night pearls were loosened, and another gold thread was found to string them on. Each of them put three on their hands, and the two women walked out of the encirclement hand in hand. , although Di Jiye was a little worried, he could only secretly hate Zhong Qianqian for being troublesome, but he couldn't move.

In the matter of spiritual cultivation, what is important is to stay in harmony with the spirit, return the vitality to the center, and the most taboo is to be distracted. If you are interrupted like this for a while, you will feel a little distracted.I just used my spiritual power to investigate secretly, but there was no fluctuation of spiritual power around. I think all the creatures must be greedily absorbing spiritual energy at this moment. Yuan Feiyu and Zhong Qianqian are indeed not in much danger.You can only fix your mind to cultivate your spirit.

The two walked for a while, Yuan Feiyu frowned and said, "It's far enough, it's convenient for you to stay here."

Zhong Qianqian hummed: "Let's stay here later and don't go there. I'm so sleepy. It's too narrow to fit a bed. We can set up a tent here, anyway. Peng will have its own enchantment, and no one else can get in. It is safe and comfortable."

Although Yuan Feiyu felt a little uncomfortable, but he did have a lazy attitude all over his body, he probably was very tired and really wanted to sleep. [

Her recent schedule is very close to the devil world, and she doesn't live according to the earth's time. It is normal to sleep every thirty or forty hours, but Zhong Qianqian can't do it, she is already very tired.Yuan Feiyu took a pityful look at Zhong Qianqian's belly, feeling more and more that she was not good at meeting people, that Hu Xiao could take advantage of even his own children, and he only wanted to please the female. Such a male is naturally very good when he loves you, but if he falls in love with someone else, then you must be worse than the grass on the side of the road.No matter how you compare, is it possible that an unloved female has more status than her own son?

The two found a place to set up the tent, Zhong Qianqian got into bed and fell asleep.

Yuan Feiyu entered his own pearl recognition space in a flash.

Recently, the Pearl Realm space is full of second- and third-tier medicinal herbs, and it only takes five or six days to harvest and plant again.It is not yet the harvest season, and the space is full of purple. It is the delicate and beautiful flowers of laver moss in full bloom. The palm-sized flowers are like chrysanthemums, with overlapping petals. so gorgeous.

The size of the space is still the same, and there is no sign of upgrading. Yuan Feiyu turned around twice in distress, but with her intelligence, she really couldn't think of a good way.She only remembered that the big wood spirit body said that it would be possible to advance to the rank only when the little wood spirit body absorbed enough spiritual power.

She also cooks some delicious food for Xiao Mumu from time to time, but her ability is limited, and she has a whole family of foodies to feed her, so she never calms down to make some delicious food for Xiao Mumu.

At this moment, I can't say that I have to cook something delicious for Xiao Mumu.

Well, I still have to have a chance to ask that kid Damu how he can advance faster.

Yuan Feiyu fed Xiaomu in the space for a while, took a bath by himself, and then returned to Zhong Qianqian to go to bed.

Under the faint light of Ye Mingzhu, Zhong Qianqian was sitting there with her beautiful eyes wide open, staring at Yuan Feiyu with a curious expression on her face, "What's wrong with you? Can you teleport, disappear for a while, and disappear for a while? Wonderful appearance."

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