Just being a mother.

This is true for females of many species.When the very docile little female cat in your family gave birth to a cub, if you try to touch and hug it casually, be careful that you will be caught with blood on your hands.When the obedient and loyal little bitch gave birth to her cubs, she kept away from strangers.Even a pullet will go for a human for its chicks.Let alone human beings.

Yuan Feiyu, who could soon accept that she was pregnant with a baby animal and would give birth in the near future, cheered up again.

She doesn't care about food now.The golden birdman is super capable and has never been short of food.Even if it is polar night, sometimes when it goes out to fetch water, it will bring back some fresh plants or animals.Although not much, it was still enough for her to eat.

She was a little worried that she would not be able to give birth.The lower part of my body is so small, and when a human baby is born, the opening of the birth canal only needs to be opened to the size of the baby's head.The baby's head is at most about the size of one of our fists, but the hard egg in my stomach is now probably more than two fists side by side at its widest point.No matter how flexible the lower body is, it is impossible to be born smoothly. [

Then there may be a caesarean section.

Due to the super-healing ability of the golden moss, even if she had a caesarean section under such primitive circumstances, she would not be in too much danger.But the most troublesome thing is that no one is in charge.

No matter how strong she was, it was impossible for her to stab herself in the stomach. She would definitely not be able to bear the pain.

She couldn't have a normal delivery or a caesarean section, which made her very entangled.She didn't know how long it would be before she gave birth, and it would be too dangerous if she couldn't think of a good way now.

She made a gesture of cutting open her stomach with her hand, and said that she would take out the egg in this way.The golden birdman was obviously frightened, and it repeatedly shook its tail to express its disapproval.Its slender and beautiful fingers easily pointed to the bottom of her, and with a light cut, the golden clothes underneath immediately changed into gears. Its hands clearly pointed out that even if it lays eggs, it is also in the same place as human babies. .

She can only think that Dandan is different from a baby, and Dandan is a little more difficult to deliver, so there should be no suffocation or the like.And it really doesn't work, I can only cut the lower part with a knife.Although the aesthetics are not good, it should be easier to recover than caesarean section.No matter what kind of injury I have on my body, it can be healed with golden moss without a trace, so there should be no problem with the one below.

Maybe I'm just scaring myself.

After coming to this world and meeting the golden birdman, her life has been arranged and taken care of by it, and it has taken care of her extremely well.

Maybe she just needs to wait for the baby to be born in peace, and work hard to teach the baby to speak human language, then in this world, she still has something to look forward to in the future.

Now she especially misses Xia Xiaodao and Zhong Qianqian. If all three of them transmigrated into this world, she hoped that the three of them could live closer and help each other.

One one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

It was getting darker and colder, and soon the snow began to fall, and the snow here was also very tenacious, and it would never end.

Whenever you open your eyes, you will see snow falling outside.

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