She can understand this strange language unexpectedly.Although she didn't understand how she understood it, she just understood the general meaning.The auspicious bird beauty said that she was willing to surrender to her.

Yuan Feiyu opened his mouth: "What did you say?"

The beauty Ji Niao looked at Yuan Feiyu, she naturally couldn't understand Chinese, so she could only do the action just now.The tone is more sincere, probably meaning that he is willing to follow the original flying fish or something.

Yuan Feiyu lowered her head to look at her stomach again. In this situation, if she still can't guess that everything is caused by the egg baby in her stomach, then her intelligence is too low.

She didn't expect her baby to be so powerful and still in her womb, she would be so afraid of the beautiful auspicious bird.She closed her eyes slightly, maybe it was a mother-daughter connection, she could easily enter the state of looking inside again, to see what the baby in her belly was thinking. [

Egg Baby stays quietly in the stomach, looks like its father, not a talker.

Yuan Feiyu sat by the fire, and the soup in the red jade tripod tripod pot became a little shallower, but it seemed that the water had been evaporated by the fire, rather than the beautiful auspicious bird taking food without authorization.

Yuan Feiyu filled a lunch box with meat and soup to eat by himself, and said very politely: "Mira Mira."

The beauty Ji Niao took a careful look at Yuan Feiyu, and correctly judged that the other party really asked her to eat. She immediately took the stone plate on the side and poured some broth, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Because of the long cooking time, the broth is thick and the taste is not bad.

The two of them quickly finished the remaining broth in the Hongyu tripod pot.

The water in the sarcophagus is impossible to drink because it has been bathed.The auspicious bird beauty took the ruby ​​tripod tripod pot outside, smashed the ice block that sealed the hole with stones and put half of the tripod pot, and took the meat of three or four flying monkeys and came back to cook on the fire.Her voice was extremely light when she moved, obviously she had been educated in this area.

She picked a huge black stone, which was flaky and sharp on one side, pulled a tree over, chopped it into sections more than one meter long, and set up a fire.He tightened the leather jacket on his body again, lifted the sarcophagus, and signaled to Yuan Feiyu that she was going out to fetch water.She called the water the wood spirit.

Although Yuan Feiyu didn't feel that he had to risk his life so much for the bath water, the egg baby in his belly rolled happily.

Yuan Feiyu suddenly thought that Dan Baobao had always been very obedient before, and he didn't want her to eat the golden bird's blood or suck the golden bird's breath.Maybe it was because of the kind of wood spirit water.She doesn't understand the prenatal education here, and the natives know better than her how to take care of a pregnant woman, so she doesn't need to be an outsider to guide an insider.

Yuan Feiyu nodded.The beautiful auspicious bird broke the ice at the entrance of the cave, put the sarcophagus on her head and flew out.

One one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

This time, Yuan Feiyu really felt that he was a little lucky.

And he also clearly knew that his good luck was really given by the Golden Birdman.If it weren't for this baby egg, in the eyes of the beautiful woman Ji Niao, she would already be a food reserve.But now, he has become the owner of the beautiful auspicious bird in turn.

The egg baby is so strong now, and it will be stronger after it is born in the future, and the egg baby can communicate with himself.Surviving by yourself and your baby is much easier than you think.

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