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Chapter 1040 : Chapter 475 Soul Search

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Chapter 475 Soul Search

"Extremely Yin Qi, Extremely Fiendish Qi, Evil Qi..."

"Why is there so much magic energy?"

Ye Chongshan turned pale in shock, growled in horror, looked at Ye Xuan like looking at a monster.When you read novels, go to *小*说*网[

Ye Xuan was expressionless and said nothing.

Ye Chonglou, who had just rushed to protect Ye Xuan, was taken aback for a moment, but his expression changed drastically.

"It's really extremely yin, extremely evil..." Ye Chonglou said to himself in shock.

At this moment, some other clansmen still didn't know what the situation was, only a few old antiques stared at Ye Xuan with extremely serious faces, motionless.

"Ye Xuan, did you get this from the Heavenly Tomb?" Ye Chonglou suddenly realized.

Ye Xuan nodded.

Afterwards, the expressions of several old antiques lifted, and they all understood.

"Ye Xuan, you bastard, why did you abolish Feilong's cultivation?" Ye Chongshan cursed unrelentingly.

Hearing the sound, Ye Xuan's face was grim, and he roared: "Father revenge! Why don't you ask Ye Feilong, a bastard, why did he kill my parents?"


Several old antiques present changed their faces, especially Ye Chongshan and Ye Chonglou.

"Ye Xuan, is what you said true? Have you found evidence?" Ye Chonglou asked in a trembling voice.

Ye Chongshan screamed in disbelief, "Impossible, you are slandering, what evidence do you have?"

"Evidence? Hmph, there are so many clansmen present. When he killed me just now, they heard and saw every word he said. Is it enough for them to testify?" Ye Xuan roared angrily. .

Now, although Ye Feilong's cultivation has been abolished, he is still extremely angry that he cannot kill the enemy with his own hands.

Hearing what Ye Xuan said, the old antiques were randomly picked up by the people present and questioned.

Sure enough, as Ye Xuan said, they all saw the scene of the battle between him and Ye Feilong just now, and told a few old antiques verbatim.

In fact, this is also Ye Xuan's cleverness.

Before, when he met Ye Feilong, he said something inexplicable, which made the other person turn pale with fright, and showed his feet. He had already guessed that this Ye Feilong would definitely come to kill him. [

Therefore, he arranged the magic circle in advance.

The magic circles are densely packed, of various kinds, some cover the breath, some shift the sky and change positions.

The wonderful magic circle like the "anti-phase array" is a unique magic circle in the Tianyanshu collection, which is quite miraculous.

After the arrangement, the people inside the formation cannot see the situation outside, but the people outside the formation can clearly see everything inside the formation.

Therefore, Ye Feilong thought that the magic circle arranged by Ye Xuan was an ordinary magic circle, but he didn't know that when he gave it a go, the outsiders all saw his movements and voice. ,In mind.

It is also because of this that the truth of Ye Feilong's killing of Ye Xuan's parents was confirmed.

After listening to the descriptions of the clansmen, except for Ye Chongshan, Ye Chonglou and the old antiques were completely angry.

"Bastard, you actually harmed the tribe. According to the clan rules, you should be killed!" Ye Changfeng's grandfather roared angrily.

Otherwise, he would not have prevented his grandson from competing for the position of patriarch, and would have remained neutral.

Hearing this, Ye Chongshan turned around suddenly, turned his head and roared angrily: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, it must be Ye Xuan who cast some kind of magic spell on Feilong to make him beat him up."

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