Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1043 : Chapter 476 Retribution for the Great Vengeance

Ye Changfeng remained expressionless, and finally nodded. ()

"In this case, then treat him as an enemy, either you die or I die!"

Ye Changfeng squeezed Ye Qing's lips tightly, sucking crazily.

Ye Qing trembled all over, her eyes were charming and her tenderness was like water.

Seeing this, Ye Changfeng became more violent, tearing like a beast, his copper body was exposed...[

Ye Xuan left Ye Chonglou's palace and walked alone to the outer city of the King's City.

Just now, Ye Chonglou asked him a few questions, all about the aura of immortals and demons.

Ye Xuan didn't hide it deliberately, and told the matter that he possessed many kinds of immortal and demonic auras, which made the other party horrified.

Sensing that Ye Chonglou was very interested in the immortal energy of good fortune, Ye Xuan passed this energy on to the other party to help him improve his cultivation.

As a result, Ye Chonglou became even more excited.

Ye Xuan briefly talked about his trip to the Heavenly Tomb, most of which were made up indiscriminately, saying that he killed many evil spirits there and got these immortal spirits.

Regarding the matter of the Invincible Empire, he did not mention a single word, and he also concealed the matter of Huangfu's ascension.

Regarding the matter of the Invincible Empire, he promised the human skeleton that he would not tell the world casually.

As for Huangfu's ascension, he has not told anyone so far.

Regarding the fact that he was able to arrange the "anti-phase formation", he just fabricated it at will, saying that he had an adventure, and only then did he find the way to arrange the formation.

Regarding what Ye Xuan said, Ye Chonglou firmly believed, and it was impossible to doubt anything.

After hearing this, Ye Chonglou was completely stunned, except for sighs.

He couldn't imagine how a helpless child got to where he is today step by step.

Thinking of the tragic death of Ye Langjun and his wife, he couldn't help crying again.

After Ye Xuan comforted him a few words, he left alone.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's heart was relieved, but he couldn't be happy when his revenge was avenged.

Came to the wilderness alone, found a mountain top, and stood facing the wind.

"Father and mother, rest in peace, the child has already avenged your blood, and he also knows his identity..." Ye Xuan held the memory gem in his hand, his eyes were moist.

The figure of father and mother hovered and echoed in his mind, and he couldn't leave for a moment. [

"Father and mother, you have never let the child avenge you. The child knows that you are afraid that the child will lose to the murderer and be murdered."

"Now you can rest assured that the child has grown up, and there are probably not many people in the world who want to kill the child..."

"It won't be long before the child will be invincible in the world, and by that time, the name of the child will resound throughout the world."

"And you, father and mother, will always be proud because you have children!"

Ye Xuan shed tears!

Although he kills without blinking an eye, but it is a last resort, if he does not kill, others will kill him.

Although he is strong, but at this point, if he is not strong, who can hold up the sky for him?

No matter how strong he is, isn't he crying at this moment?

The boy doesn't cry easily, just because he hasn't reached the sad place!

A rosy glow is shining in the east, and a new day has arrived.

Ye Xuan murmured to himself, and said: "Father, you didn't get the things from the Ye family back then, but now the child will get it for you. Mother, Grandpa Chonglou said that your identity is unknown, so I don't know if it's true or not. If you If you really have relatives, then you must bless the child to meet you."

After saying that, he turned around resolutely, walked down the mountain step by step with firm steps.

Every step is a deep footprint, just like his decades of hardships, it is shocking...

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