Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 109: Chapter 37 Freak

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Chapter 37 The Freak

Ye Xuan clearly remembered that every time his parents went out, he would tell himself that if they couldn't come back, he must not break through the Divine Light Realm until he was 20 years old.

"Why can't you break through the Divine Light Realm before the age of 20?"

This question has troubled Ye Xuan for ten years! [

Now, he is only a few months away from turning [-], but he broke through to the Divine Light Realm ahead of schedule!

"Boy, did you feel anything strange when you broke through?" Demon Lord Pantao also felt that Ye Xuan's parents' confession was rather weird, so she also helped to find clues.

Ye Xuan frowned, and muttered: "Strange?"

After thinking carefully for a moment, Ye Xuan said in doubt: "Odd, if you talk about it, it's the only one."

"Tell me quickly, what's going on?" Demon Lord Pantao asked hastily.

Ye Xuan paused, and said, "If you hadn't reminded me, I would have really forgotten about it."

"When I broke through, besides the idea that suddenly appeared in my mind, my physique also changed drastically." Ye Xuan said, "I once saw such a saying in an ancient book, a divine light with a first level A cultivator at the top level can have up to 25 drops of primordial liquid in his body, and his physique can be as strong as a broken magic weapon!"

"Now, there are as many as 24 drops of primordial liquid in my body, and my physique is comparable to a low-grade magic weapon." Ye Xuan exclaimed, "This is the only difference between me and other monks."

"Also, I seem to have a feeling that my strange disease has also disappeared."

Hearing this, the Peach Demon Lord was immediately stunned.

"Stinky boy, do you really have as many as 24 drops of primordial liquid in your body?" The Demon Lord Pantao exclaimed, "The body is comparable to a low-grade magic weapon?"

Ye Xuan nodded: "That's true. I couldn't believe it before, but after I sensed it several times carefully, I can be sure."

"Freak! Freak!" Peach Demon Lord had an incredulous look on his face, "Your identity is definitely not simple, and your bloodline seems to be very unusual."

"According to the ability of blood inheritance, it seems that your ancestors had great abilities, even immortals."

Ye Xuan was startled, and said: "Great power? Immortal? True or false? Why do you judge like this? Also, what is blood inheritance?"

"Let's not talk about that right now." Demon Lord Pantao shook his head, and said: "Your true essence has almost recovered, and you can continue the competition. After the conference is over, I will tell you in detail."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan looked inside with his spiritual sense, and found that the true essence in his body had indeed returned to its peak.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll clean up these minions first." Ye Xuanzhuang laughed ambitiously.

"Look, Ye Xuan has recovered, and the battle is about to start again." [

When Ye Xuan on the ring stood up, there was an uproar in the audience.

"Recovery so soon?"

"It's unbelievable. In such a short time, I can't even recover one-third of my true essence."

Some disciples saw that Ye Xuan had already recovered his true essence in just one-third of an hour and a quarter of an hour, and they were immediately astonished.

"Could it be that he was amuleted by some ghost? Why do I always feel that he is hundreds of times stronger than before..."

"Yeah, is he still the bullied Ye Xuan we knew before?"

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