Step by step fairy machine

第1093章:第502章 大杀1场

Chapter 502 A Big Kill ([-])

Mingyue Sect!

A feminine man lowered his head with a hideous expression on his face. /⊙﹏⊙bwww>

In front of him, there was an old man with white eyebrows standing, roaring angrily and cursing endlessly.

"Trash, I handed it over to you for nearly half a year. You haven't even caught a single ghost. Until now, you don't even know who the other party is. Mingyue taught you, what's the use of it?" The white-browed old man pointed The feminine man scolded angrily. [

In half a year, dozens of resources have been stolen from the largest spiritual vein of the Mingyue Sect, causing heavy losses, which has alarmed the elders.

The old man with white eyebrows was pointed at his nose by the elder and scolded for several hours before he was released.

At this moment, all the anger in his belly was vented on the feminine man.

"Three months ago, I asked you to thoroughly investigate this matter. You said it was just some clowns playing tricks. Now, this matter has intensified, and a single theft has reached thousands of high-grade Linghe. Moreover, every time this In a lost incident, you can't even catch the shadow of the other party, don't you notice anything unusual?" The white-browed old man cursed angrily, and said: "This is a premeditated and planned plan together. The act of plundering resources just didn't conflict with our troops."

"Investigate, we must find out this matter as soon as possible, and use all means, not to mention digging three feet, even digging three feet, three hundred feet, three thousand feet, we must find these thieves." The white-browed old man issued a death order, The feminine man had nothing to say, he could only grit his teeth and leave angrily.

The feminine man has hatred in his heart, but not all of them hate the white-browed old man, but more of them hate this bunch of blind thieves.


Just as the feminine man was cursing these blind thieves in his heart, a disciple of Mingyuejiang rushed over in panic.

"Brother, I received the news that someone is stealing my teaching's underground resources again." The disciple quickly reported.

Hearing this, the feminine man burst into anger and roared, "Where is it? Has anyone ever intercepted it?"

"In Wutuo City, several other senior brothers have already brought people there, let the little one come and report to you." The disciple replied.

After hearing this, the feminine man went back to where the white-browed old man was without saying a word, and reported all these things.

"Go, I want to see these thieves for myself!" The white-browed old man and the feminine man left Mingyue Sect in an instant.

Originally, the feminine man was also at the fifth level of the Golden Core realm, but because he was a rising star and lacked qualifications, he was not selected as an elder.Of course, his overall strength is not enough to compete with the old man with white eyebrows.

Otherwise, how could he be willing to be called and left by the old man with white eyebrows?

At this moment, Ye Xuan and the others were besieged by dozens of masters of the Mingyue Sect, and they were on a killing spree.

Ever since Ye Xuan established the space cave, the group of them has become more unscrupulous, plundering the resources of the spiritual veins everywhere, causing heavy losses to the Mingyue Sect, and had to send a large number of experts to search for them near the spiritual veins everywhere.

After each plunder, Ye Xuan stored all the high-grade spirit rivers together in his space cave.

During this period of time, the group of them has almost collected tens of thousands of high-quality spirit rivers, and the harvest is not insignificant, even enough to scare Kuang Hao and others to death. [

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