Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 11: Chapter 4 is too early to say

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"Jingjing, you are overthinking, they are just talking casually. Even without you, they will still trouble me. At that time, just put a hat on me, and you can scold me." Ye Xuan shrugged and said.

As if he didn't want to delve into this issue, Ye Xuan quickly glanced at the end of the square, and said: "Let's go, the elders are here, the meeting will start soon."

Looking at Ye Xuan's leaving back, Yun Jingjing pursed her mouth and hummed softly: "Why don't you admit it? Brother Ye Xuan, even if you are really a toad, I will only give you my meat to eat alone! "

*** [

"Elder Wu is here!"

"Elder Qiu is here!"

"Elder Dong is here!"


"Is the master here?"

"It doesn't seem to be there? I haven't seen it until now..."

"No way, the pavilion master won't participate? I'm ready to show off my talents this time, and I want the pavilion master to accept me as an apprentice..."


After seeing that the pavilion master did not show up, many participating disciples immediately shouted out of frustration.The pavilion master would personally attend every sword test meeting in the past, but this time they didn't show up, which really disappointed them.Among them, many people are ready to show their talents, wanting to be spotted by the pavilion master, jumping into the dragon's gate and reaching the sky in one step.

However, apart from these people, another group of people were also discussing because the Pavilion Master did not show up.

"Haha, what Senior Brother Chang said is true. The pavilion master really didn't attend the sword test meeting this time." Cui Dong smiled very sinisterly, "It's so good! It seems that the sky is going to destroy Ye Xuan, haha ..."

"Yeah, the pavilion master didn't show up, and the three elders on the stage didn't like Ye Xuan. This time, Ye Xuan is doomed..."

"That's not true. In the past, the pavilion master was present, and Yun Jingjing could save him even if she stepped forward. This time, I'm afraid it was delusional..."

"A trash like him will only waste the sect's resources alive, and it's fine to die."


The huge square was overcrowded.But the place where Ye Xuan and Yun Jingjing were located could be said to be sparsely populated.

All the people hid far away, as if they were afraid that Ye Xuan's bad luck would infect them.


There was a deafening sound suddenly on the sword platform, and it was Elder Dong who spoke. [

"Today is my Yunya Pavilion's annual sword test meeting. In previous years, many disciples have successfully advanced to become □□ disciples, and have received key training from this pavilion. I hope this time will be no exception, and there will be more A lot of disciples will be promoted to □□disciple!” Elder Dong’s figure was floating in the air, and his voice was like a tide, coming from all directions, “Okay, I don’t want to talk nonsense, according to previous requirements, all participating disciples are in the sword stage Line up at the front, disciples watching the battle, please automatically retreat ten feet away from the sword platform!"

After hearing the words, many participating disciples immediately lined up into two teams in an orderly manner, and Ye Xuan and Yun Jingjing were both at the end of the two teams.All the disciples watching the game retreated ten feet away, forming a semi-circle, and no one dared to take another step forward.

"Okay, let's start drawing lots!" Elder Dong glanced at the square, and he was very satisfied with the order on the scene.

At this moment, two large boxes were placed in front of the participating disciples of the two teams.

The participating disciples all stepped forward silently, stretched out their hands, drew lots, and left...

Ye Xuan counted silently in his heart, when it was his and Yun Jingjing's turn to draw lots, it happened to be the number.The first batch of participating disciples consisted of fifty groups, that is, 100 people.

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