Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1223 : Chapter 569 Crazy Refining Equipment

Chapter 569 Crazy Refiner

For a disciple like Ye Xuan who doesn't know good and bad, it is estimated that the whole Tiandao, he is the generation that has never been seen before, and who will never come after. \%>_<%Original_Creation%>_<%\

Simply daring!

Everyone knows that Tiandao has eleven Supreme Elders, all of whom have already accepted a true disciple, and it is no longer possible to accept a disciple, unless the disciple under his sect dies, then there may be a chance to accept another disciple only.Otherwise, the head of Tianyi will definitely not allow this to happen.

As for the other true disciples whose merit ranks after the twelfth place, they all chose some long-established elders, such as Elder Huang of the Hall of Merit and Elder Zhou of the Hall of Punishment, and so on. [

These elders can accept unlimited disciples, but the disciples they accept may not necessarily be the most outstanding disciples in Tiandao.

After all, those outstanding disciples have already been snatched away by the elders, and even some outstanding disciples, with outstanding talents, will attract the attention of the sect master, and they will be directly accepted as direct disciples of the sect master, like the legendary woman Jiang Nu. generally.

Ye Xuan has inquired about the rules of Tianyi in this period of time. After all, he has been in Tianyi for a long time, and he knows almost everything he should know.

Therefore, when his merit was ranked No. 1, he guessed in his heart that in the next time, many elders would come to him and persuade him to become a teacher.

And Ye Xuan had predicted this day, so he made preparations in advance, and directly refined the magic weapon through retreat.

At first, some elders came outside his True Inheritance Cave, and when they learned that he was refining weapons, they were rejected and left in displeasure.

After a few days, some elders stood guard outside his real cave, as if they would not give up if they didn't see him.

Therefore, Ye Xuan pretended to turn a blind eye, no matter how these people yelled, he didn't say a word, just calmed down and refined the magic weapon in his hand.

It took thirteen days for the invisibility robe to be refined into a high-grade Taoist weapon, almost consuming all the refining materials.

And when refining step-fixing shoes, Ye Xuan had no choice but to wear an invisible robe, quietly went to Tianbao Pavilion, quickly bought a large amount of refining materials, and then returned to the True Tradition Cave.

And the news of his appearance in Tianbao Pavilion spread quickly, causing many elders to rush over.

However, these people were still a step too late, and Ye Xuan escaped the entanglement early.

It was also because of this that Ye Xuan's actions completely made these elders look down, and they were secretly angry.

With their status and status, how could they have the face to face other disciples when they met a disciple with such a lowered attitude and were rejected?

Even if Ye Xuan is number one on the merit list, he can't treat them like this.

Therefore, these elders tacitly never paid attention to Ye Xuan in the following time, and Ye Xuan was naturally happy to take it easy, and started to refine the walking shoes early on.

This time, it took a full ten days for Ye Xuan to refine the footsteps into a high-grade Taoist weapon.

After doing all this, Ye Xuan once again raised the Dragon Ring to a high-grade Taoist artifact in another eight days.

In this way, some of the magic weapons that Ye Xuan often used were improved by him, and some swords and swords that Ye Xuan had used before were thrown into the cold palace by Ye Xuan and thrown into the deepest part of the Dragon Ring. [

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