Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1236 : Chapter 575 Little Glazed Cave

Ye Xuan asked secretly: "Old man, why does this little glazed cave form a world of its own?"

", Dongtian is more prominent than blessed land. () blessed land is equivalent to an ordinary mountain gate in the world, and Dongtian is like a cave in space. This small glazed Dongtian is a small cave. However, even so, the aura in it is strong The degree is beyond your imagination." Demon Lord Pantao sighed in admiration, and said: "The five times the speed of cultivation you feel now is the result of tens of thousands of years after the Little Glazed Cave Heaven wandered here. If it was back then, I am afraid that this In the enchantment, the cultivation speed is at least [-] times, and even higher..."

"Five hundred times?" Ye Xuan's eyes widened with disbelief.

The Demon Lord Pantao snorted and said, "Five hundred times scare you into such a state? Do you know that the real Cave Heaven, the most powerful one has tens of thousands of times the speed of cultivation, it's like time flies, you can't even imagine arrive."

"Tens of thousands of times?" Ye Xuan took a breath and almost cried out. [

The Peach Demon Lord was happy to see Ye Xuan's shocked expression, and said with a smile: "According to the five times the speed of cultivation, there are at least some places worth exploring in the Little Glazed Cave. Of course, all the caves in the fairy world , there must be many magic circles and some inconceivable places, the dangers of which are beyond comprehension for ordinary people. You must be careful this time, but don't capsize the boat in the gutter."

Ye Xuan nodded blankly.

"Look, what is that?"

At this moment, many disciples surrounded by Jiang Nu and other masters began to shout.

Ye Xuan looked at the reputation, and not only his eyebrows jumped.

It turned out that just ten thousand miles away, a vast ocean appeared in front of everyone.

And everyone has clearly noticed that this vast ocean is filled with an incredible amount of aura.

"Is this the legendary spiritual spring?" Thyme covered her mouth in surprise and exclaimed.

"What? Lingquan really exists?" Xiang Wuya was also extremely shocked.

Even Shanhaifeng, who had been silent all this time, showed a dignified look at this moment, and muttered to himself: "The spring is like the sea, and the aura soars to the sky. It is really a spiritual spring..."

Jiang Nu gave Wu Wannian and the others a look, and gradually slowed down, approaching Lingquan slowly.

As everyone gets closer to the spiritual spring, the spiritual energy absorbed by each person's body becomes more and more terrifying.

"What kind of spring is this? Why is it more powerful than Good Fortune Immortal Spring?"

Ye Xuan, who had seen Good Fortune Immortal Spring before, couldn't help showing surprise at this moment.

"This is a real spiritual spring. It is a spiritual spring in the fairy world. It is not comparable to the good fortune fairy spring in the world. This kind of spiritual spring is the real spiritual spring. However, the spiritual spring in front of you has experienced tens of thousands of years. At this moment, it is only better than the good fortune fairy spring, and it cannot be regarded as a real spiritual spring." Pantao demon master shook his head, regretfully said: "If it is a real spiritual spring, you kid will go in for a few years and soak in it for a few years. The pinnacle of the Void Realm."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan was beyond shocked.

"Even if it's not a real spiritual spring, it's a rare treasure in the world, why should I hesitate..." Ye Xuan thought about it, and rushed to the spiritual spring without thinking.

"Ah... help..."

But at this moment, before Ye Xuan rushed in, some of the closest disciples entered the Lingquan first. [

However, these disciples didn't show much enjoyment, instead they all turned pale and called for help...

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