Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1283: Chapter 599 Mutation

Chapter 599 Mutation


All the ordinary disciples couldn't help rolling their throats and muttering to themselves when they saw the scene of the human fairy puppet falling, completely shocked by Ye Xuan's strength.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

But at this moment, Ye Xuan, who had just performed the secret technique, quickly lost half of his true energy in his body, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

"Are you OK……"[

Xue Wu flew to Ye Xuan's side, and Jiang Nu, who was not far away, asked this sentence at the same time.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

Hearing this, Ye Xuan shook his head, but he didn't notice the faces of the two girls, and a blush suddenly appeared.

Especially Jiang Nu, she has never cared about any man. After so many years, even if it was the first time she cared about a man, she still asked others in unison, which made her a little shy.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

Turning his head to look at the Immortal Puppet, Ye Xuan let out a deep breath.

If he hadn't used the power of thunder and the aura of immortal demon to strike a deadly blow, and didn't give the immortal puppet any chance to react, I'm afraid it wasn't the latter who fell to the ground at this moment, but him.

"Take it, let's move on!"

Jiang Nu's face turned pale from being frightened by the power of the deadly Yellow Spring Water, and she has not fully recovered until now. After seeing that Ye Xuan was fine, she said softly.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

She understood in her heart that Ye Xuan actually wanted this human fairy puppet very much, but she was too embarrassed to speak up.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

Before, Ye Xuan hid in the dark and did not hesitate to take the risk of coming to the feet of the Immortal Puppet and chopping off a pair of his legs. How could he escape Jiang Nu's eyes?

Jiang Nu has already made up her mind to hand over this human fairy puppet to Ye Xuan for safekeeping, just for the sake of saving her life just now.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

And next, she didn't pay much attention to how Ye Xuan dealt with this human fairy puppet. As long as there were some traces left in the end and handed over to the headmaster for a look, she could explain the matter.

As the future heir to the head, she does have the right to deal with this human fairy puppet.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

Immortal puppets are certainly important, but for some of the Nine Great Immortal Sects who do not have very good refining skills, even if they are obtained, they are actually not very useful.

"it is good!"

Ye Xuan's eyes flickered for a moment, wondering if he understood Jiang Nu's intentions, he turned around and walked towards the immortal puppet.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!


But at this moment, the Human Immortal Puppet, who had not moved at all, moved again.

I saw the other party's two big hands suddenly stretched out, one hand grabbed Ye Xuan, and the other hand grabbed Xue Wu who was closest to Ye Xuan, turned around and fled without saying a word, and disappeared into the passage in the blink of an eye.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

This scene happened so fast that even Jiang Nu was caught off guard. [


Jiang Nv shouted loudly, led many disciples, and immediately chased after her.

Ye Xuan saved her life, and she couldn't ignore Ye Xuan's safety no matter what.

Otherwise, she would be ashamed of her reputation as the future leader.

Just as Jiang Nu and the others quickly chased the Human Immortal Puppet, Ye Xuan, who was caught by the other party, gradually calmed down.

If he was the only one trapped, he could use the thunder method to destroy the human fairy puppet, or let the Peach Demon Lord take action to save himself.

However, Xue Wu was also trapped at the moment.

He must not act rashly, and if he is a little careless, he may cause the other party to be hurt.

Xue Wu's strength is far behind him by a thousand miles, and it is very likely that a human fairy puppet can crush the flesh with a single finger, and disappear from the world.

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