Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1292 : Chapter 604 Nascent Soul

Chapter 604 Nascent Soul ([-])

"Dog men and women, suffer death!"

Thyme was full of murderous aura, as soon as she entered the barrier, she immediately used thunderous means, intending to capture Ye Xuan and the two of them by taking advantage of their unpreparedness.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

And Ye Xuan suddenly enveloped Xue Wu with a strong force, precisely because he had detected the omen that the barrier was going to break in advance.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

Therefore, in Ye Xuan's view, Thyme's attack at this moment was not unexpected at all, and it was completely within his expectation. [

Furthermore, in the Cave of Hiding Soldiers, Ye Xuan obtained the "Aura of Divine Fortune-telling", and his ability to grasp and predict things became even stronger.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

After some breakthroughs before, his cultivation has exploded, and he has become a master of the first level of chaos without accident.

In this way, the comprehension of the fifty kinds of spirits of immortals and demons in the body will be more thorough, reaching an unimaginable level for ordinary people.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

"It's stronger than Guan Zifeng's, at least it's at the third level of chaos..." Ye Xuan looked at Thyme's surging mana, rolling in like a tide, and his face remained unchanged. He guessed in his heart: "If there are no accidents, It should be at the fourth level of chaos, and Jiang Nu and others have definitely not reached the fifth level of chaos..."

With his current powerful spiritual sense, he can roughly see the cultivation base of the people present in a single glance.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

For Thyme who was about to capture him, Ye Xuanyue could see the strength of the opponent clearly, and felt more at ease.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

Although Ye Xuan has just broken through the first level of chaos, the strength of the Nascent Soul in his body is definitely much stronger than that of ordinary masters of the first level of chaos, at least comparable to the masters of the second level of chaos.

The strength of the Nascent Soul depends on the strength of the Nascent Soul. From [-]% to [-]%, you can clearly judge the opponent's true strength.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

Like Ye Xuan today, Nascent Soul is close to [-]% real, and its overall strength is not much worse than any master of the second stage of chaos. Not impossible.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!

Thyme naturally couldn't know about all this.

Therefore, although she knew that Ye Xuan had successfully broken through and reached the first stage of chaos, she was not afraid.

With her cultivation at the fourth level of Chaos Void, Nascent Soul is already [-]% real, and looking at the entire Caixia Palace, there are very few existences.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!Even in the entire Kongfan world, there are only a few people who can be compared.

Ignoring Ye Xuan's existence, in her opinion, was justified.

However, when she faced Ye Xuan and took a blow, she immediately noticed how extraordinary Ye Xuan was.There are fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi, and there are good books in the fairyland of Yaochi!


Thyme screamed in surprise, and suddenly found that Ye Xuan blocked her blow with one hand, completely shattering her infinite mana.

"What? Forty percent real Nascent Soul?"

Not far away, Shan Haifeng screamed and saw a golden villain on the top of Ye Xuan's head, which blocked Thyme's blow.

And the little golden man, who is fictitious and unpredictable, is actually equivalent to the strength of a master of the second level of chaos.Ye Xuan is just a monk who has just broken through the Void Realm, how could he reach such a realm? [

Following Shan Haifeng's exclamation, the other masters also saw it, showing shock.

Seeing this, although Thyme couldn't hide the shock in her heart, she didn't need to care about it because she was about to capture Ye Xuan.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Thyme gave a cold drink, and shot again, but suddenly, a beautiful figure appeared in front of her in a flash.

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