Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1301 : Chapter 608 Fanxian Tomb

These three big characters, and the three big characters of "Bone Refining Career" that Xue Wu showed him when Ye Xuan first arrived in the Kongfan world, are all left by the immortals, possessing an incomparably powerful coercion. Blasphemy.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

The bloody three big characters were engraved on the huge tombstone, which seemed to hold the whole tombstone firmly in place, unable to move an inch.

"Fantasy Tomb? Is this the tomb of a fairy?" Ye Xuan almost fainted from fright.

Seeing the solemn expressions on the faces of Jiang Nu and others, Ye Xuan was even more sure that this Mortal Immortal Tomb really had an extraordinary history.

Of all the things that are stained with "immortals", how can one be simple? [

"Ye Xuan, this is the Immortal Tomb, the real Immortal Tomb! It's unbelievable, to be able to see the Immortal Tomb here, this is a priceless treasure." The Peach Demon Lord yelled, excited, wishing to rush into this place In a huge tombstone.

This tombstone is extremely huge, and there are no graves below it.

Therefore, Ye Xuan guessed that this Mortal Immortal Tomb was likely to be built on this huge tombstone.

After confirming with the Peach Demon Lord, the answer I got was exactly as Ye Xuan said.

The huge tombstone in front of him is the Tomb of Immortals!

"What exactly do they want to do here?" Ye Xuan quietly glanced at Jiang Nu and the others, and found that these people still had no intention of doing anything, he couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Even if there are infinite treasures in this Mortal Immortal Tomb, they are not accessible to ordinary people." Ye Xuan murmured to himself, "They will not be unclear about this."

No matter how Ye Xuan guessed, he couldn't figure out why Jiang Nu and the others came here.

"This is Fanxian Tomb. I think you don't need me to introduce you." Jiang Nu said with a blank expression, "Since everyone has appeared here, it means that the ending is already planned. So, the next action, you guys Don't worry, I, Tianyi, will never take advantage of anyone's danger."

"I, Kongling Mountain, naturally have to pay attention to the overall situation!" Shan Haifeng said with a serious face.

Hearing this, Xiang Wuya, Bai Lixiang and others also expressed their own sects.

Regarding what these people said in a blur, Ye Xuan seemed a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and really didn't understand what they wanted to do.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, then let's not waste any more time and go to the Immortal Tomb immediately!" Jiang Nu saw that everyone had chosen to attack the Immortal Tomb in an unusually tacit understanding. He led the crowd and approached the huge tombstone.


When it was about [-] miles away from the Immortal Tomb, Ye Xuan clearly heard the sound of space bursting around his body, which was extremely weak.

When the distance was reduced to three hundred miles, Ye Xuan could already see the explosion of layers of space with the naked eye.


Ye Xuan was terrified, and cautiously followed the crowd, moving forward slowly.

When there were only about a hundred miles left, Ye Xuan clearly felt that his physical body began to bear tremendous pressure. [

At fifty miles away, Ye Xuan's physical body was gradually aching...

Thirty miles away, Ye Xuan found it difficult to breathe...

When he was ten miles away, Ye Xuan noticed that his bones were gradually deforming...

When there was only the last mile left, Ye Xuan raised his head with difficulty, and happened to see three big bloody characters horizontally above his head.

At that moment, Ye Xuan trembled all over, and saw three big bloody characters, like three bloodthirsty demon heads, with sharp fangs and a bloody mouth, they rushed towards him with their teeth and claws...

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