Step by step fairy machine

第1303章:第609章 9兽同心

Hearing this, Ye Xuan immediately turned pale.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"Old man, do you think these nine-headed beasts are fairy beasts?" Ye Xuan couldn't believe it, trembling all over.

The Peach Demon Lord shook his head, and said: "It's been so many years, I'm not sure, I can only judge when they strike. However, you'd better stay away from them, as long as the nine beasts have one heart If one is not dead, the strength shown is hundreds of times that of each beast, and the strength is quite strong, which is not something ordinary people can bear."

"Hundreds of times?"

Ye Xuan's eyes widened, his face pale with fright. [

With his current eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that these nine beasts are at least at the demon emperor level.

Just walking out of one head is enough to make these people flustered, and nine heads appearing at the same time, it is very likely that they will cause heavy casualties.

However, the Demon Lord Pantao actually said that the nine-beast concentric secret technique displayed by these nine beasts can increase their strength by hundreds of times.

What is this concept?

The Peach Demon Lord seemed to see through Ye Xuan's thoughts, and snorted coldly: "The Nine Beasts Concentric are mostly kept in extremely mysterious places in the fairy world, and are specially used to protect some precious things. In many fairy tombs, there are The nine beasts are guarding together, if not for their strength, how would those immortals be able to see them?"

Ye Xuan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Old man, is there a way to break this Nine Beast Concentric?"

After a while, Ye Xuan calmed down and asked something crucial.

The Peach Demon Lord paused, and said: "Yes! But to you, it doesn't seem to matter whether you have it or not. Even if you have it, you don't have the ability to do it."

"You tell me the answer first, as for how to do it, we will discuss it later." Ye Xuan urged.

The Pantao demon master said: "Nine beasts with one heart, as the name suggests, these nine beasts have the same thinking, just like the same beast, the cooperation is very tacit, it is seamless. If you want to break the opponent, you can only kill one of them first A fierce beast. And it must be the one in the middle!"

"Only after killing the ferocious beast in the center, the strength of the other eight ferocious beasts will be greatly reduced, and you will be able to turn defeat into victory." Demon Lord Pantao pondered.

Hearing this, Ye Xuan immediately frowned.

The words spoken by the Demon Lord Pantao are indeed as difficult as reaching the sky.

These nine fierce beasts exerted hundreds of times their combat power, and it was difficult for anyone to get close. It was almost impossible to kill one of the eight fierce beasts outside, let alone being protected by the eight fierce beasts. The fierce beast in the center?

Although the nine-headed beasts were awakened, they didn't show any signs, and they didn't seem to intend to kill Ye Xuan and the others.

But at this moment, after hearing what the Peach Demon Lord said, Ye Xuan stared straight at the nine-headed beasts, his mind was full of thoughts, trying to come up with a solution to break the nine-headed beasts.

Now that he has come to the Tomb of Immortals, Ye Xuan cannot return empty-handed no matter what.

"Chi Xuanyue, what did you see? Is this a mechanism or a magic circle?" [

Just as Ye Xuan was thinking hard in the dark, Jiang Nu's voice rang in his ears.

It turned out that after seeing the strange situation in front of her, the woman immediately thought of Ye Xuan's methods of breaking the formation all the time, and when she turned her head, she happened to see Ye Xuan frowning bitterly, and she couldn't help asking eagerly.

In her opinion, Ye Xuan must have seen something with his appearance.

As for Ye Xuan's method of breaking the magic circle and the mechanism, after getting along with Ye Xuan for a period of time, Jiang Nu naturally knew a lot, so she thought of Ye Xuan immediately.

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