Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1351 : Chapter 633 Assassination of heroes

"Hahaha, happy!" Peach Demon Lord laughed loudly, moved by Ye Xuan's arrogance.Fiction Rankings
"Ye, where can I escape!"

At this moment, the masters of Wanxiangmen and Caixia Palace behind them roared and scolded Ye Xuan, their feet were extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Xuan was only a thousand miles away, and it took only a few breaths to catch up. .

Seeing this, Ye Xuan suddenly turned his head, pretending to be taken aback, but his back was pale, and without saying a word, he ran wildly.

He ran with all his strength, and his speed suddenly increased a hundred times, and the distance between the two sides was opened in the blink of an eye. [

Seeing this scene, the masters who were chasing after him all changed their faces, gnashing their teeth and relentlessly pursuing.

It's a pity that Ye Xuan's speed is really too fast. After performing a journey of thousands of miles, he disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"So fast!"

The masters of the two immortal sects changed their faces, but they were still very unconvinced in their hearts, and they still pursued closely.

"Where are people? Where did they go?"

After a while, these people traveled tens of thousands of miles, but they couldn't find Ye Xuan's shadow no matter what.

"This bastard has been hiding his strength all this time. I really didn't know he has such powerful body skills." One of the disciples of the Wanxiang Sect yelled angrily.

The eighteen members of Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenixes frowned and looked around, as if they still wanted to find traces of Ye Xuan.

"Don't look any further, this kid's speed is too fast, it's impossible for us to catch up." Among them, the most powerful disciple of the Wanxiang Sect said this and motioned everyone to retreat.

"That's all!"

The members of Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenixes gritted their teeth, their faces full of unwillingness.

Afterwards, the group of them prepared to get up and leave the place.

However, what they didn't expect was that when they had just flew out less than a hundred miles away, the void suddenly shook, and an extremely huge sword shadow slashed down in the air.

This huge sword shadow is not a phantom, but a real giant sword. It is so powerful that almost no one can stop it. It is an extremely powerful barren weapon at first glance.

This sword is exactly the sword of the Emperor!

Ye Xuan disappeared before because he hid it secretly, so that when these people let down their vigilance, they would suddenly assassinate and snatch a few Nascent Souls back.

Right now is the best time.

The members of Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenixes flew ahead, unknowingly distanced themselves from the masters of the Wanxiang Sect.

There are only nine masters in the Vientiane Sect, five in front and four in back, and Ye Xuan's shot is exactly one of the four behind. [

With Ye Xuan's current cultivation level, holding the sword of the emperor, using the sky-shattering style, and shooting the power of thunder secretly, it must be a sweep.

Therefore, when this disciple of Wanxiangmen realized that the killing move that appeared suddenly was coming towards him, he immediately panicked and screamed again and again.

This person is also a master at the second level of confusion, and according to common sense, such a gaffe would not occur.However, Ye Xuan's killing move had come before him with endless killing intent, even a master like him was powerless to resist, so he could only growl unwillingly to vent the terrible fear in his heart.

However, all of this was in vain. His means of resistance were shattered by this sword. Just a few roars, how powerful is it?

Therefore, when this person's fate was struck by this sword, it was already doomed.


A head flew in mid-air, and the spirit and soul disappeared. The small Nascent Soul was grasped tightly by a big hand that suddenly protruded from the void, and was brought into the void.

All of this happened so quickly that none of the experts present could react.

However, all this is not over yet.

The moment the big hand and the giant sword disappeared, another sword shadow shot across the sky...

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