Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1391 : Chapter 654 Heavenly General God Star

Chapter 654

Ye Xuan never expected that the person who appeared in front of his eyes would be the famous and famous Holy Law Daoist in the Kongfan Great Realm.
Shengfa Daozun, an elder of Tianyi in the past, is now the chief supreme elder.

The reputation left by this person in the entire Kongfan world is not a bad reputation, but a prestigious reputation, which truly convinces people with virtue.

The Taoist priest of the holy law has lived for tens of thousands of years, and never kills indiscriminately. Even if someone endangers himself, he will give in everywhere, and his broad-mindedness is admirable. [

It is also his great benevolence and righteousness that made him outstanding in his ways and deeds, faintly becoming the real number one master in the Kongfan world.

Even Venerable Feng Ling is respectful in front of him now, and he does not dare to neglect at all.

"Elder Ye..."

"My lord, you should call me Ye Xuan."

Ye Xuan didn't wait for Daoist Shengfa to speak, but smiled.

If there is anyone in the entire Heavenly Dao that can command Ye Xuan's respect, it is only this holy Dharma Taoist.

Although Ye Xuan had never dealt with him before, every time Ye Xuan heard the other party's rumors, he felt excited.

This person's broad-mindedness is the No. 1 that Ye Xuan has seen for so many years, and he is definitely truly compassionate.

"Hahaha, okay, let's call you Ye Xuan." Daoist Shengfa laughed, looked at the cave behind Ye Xuan, and said with a smile, "Why? Don't you invite me in?"

Seeing that Ye Xuan was so close, the Taoist Master Shengfa couldn't help but call himself "me" and no longer the real one.

If someone saw this scene, they would definitely die of fright on the spot.

Although Daoist Shengfa is merciful, he has never really been so optimistic about a person.


Ye Xuan was a little embarrassed, after all, this place is not his cave.

"It's okay, let me tell you the truth, I came here today to find one of the little girls." Daoist Shengfa saw that Ye Xuan was in trouble, so he explained.

Hearing this, Ye Xuan understood, and without further ado, he brought the Holy Law Daoist into the cave.

"Xiantian, Haitang, Xuewu, come and pay your respects quickly. This is the Supreme Elder, the Holy Master." Just as Ye Xuan finished speaking, he saw the expressions of the two girls change, and Ying Xiantian fell to his knees with a plop.

"Elder Taishang?"

The three of them were trembling, and they didn't dare to show their anger. They all bowed their heads like children who have done something wrong. [

"Hey, get up quickly, we're just meeting in private, so you don't have to be so rigid." Daoist Shengfa chuckled lightly.

Hearing this, the three of them looked up at Ye Xuan, and when they saw the latter nodding, they trembled and stood aside without further words.

"Your name is Ying Haitang?"

Daoist Shengfa has been paying attention to Ying Haitang since he entered the cave, and after a while, he finally couldn't help asking questions.


Ying Haitang was taken aback, and couldn't help but backed away. If Ye Xuan hadn't stepped over to support her, she might have fallen to the ground.

"Hey, little girl, don't be afraid." Daoist Shengfa waved his hands and said with a smile on his face, "I came here today just for you."

"for me?"

This time, Ying Haitang was even more frightened. She thought she had made some mistake to offend the Taoist Master Shengfa, and she couldn't help showing a sad face.

And Ye Xuan on the side seemed to understand something, and the excitement in his eyes flashed away.

"Haitang, don't think too much. The Daoist Shengfa is a highly respected senior. He has always been merciful, and he will not harm us." Ye Xuan comforted us in a low voice, which made Deying Haitang muster up her courage and looked at the holy man. Fa Dao Zun.

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