Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1425 : Chapter 671 1 Battle

"Wuji old man, you don't want to escape!"

Qinghuang naturally sensed what Master Wuji was thinking, so he gave a loud shout and used a series of thunderous means to entangle Master Wuji.

Seeing this, Master Wuji's face darkened and sank, but he was helpless, his face was livid with anger.

Although he is already at the fifth level of Chaos Void Realm, he doesn't have much advantage compared to Qing Huang who has just become the Demon Emperor.At least, he didn't have the slightest advantage in terms of the strength of his mana and the strength of his physical body.

As for the essence of spells, Qinghuang, who followed Ye Xuan in the early years, was not bad at all, and it was impossible to be repelled just because of the few spells of Master Wuji. [

With Qinghuang's current strength, coupled with the fact that he is a chaotic beast, he is born with a monstrous power, and ordinary human masters are not enough to resist him.

Even if several demon emperors attack together, it is difficult to hurt Qinghuang.

If not, how could Qinghuang deter the beast tide in Xuanling Continent?

You know, there is never a shortage of demon emperors in the world of human monsters. If the Qing Emperor was not strong enough, he would have been besieged and killed by those demon emperors long ago.

"Enter the Promise Gate and destroy the Promise Gate!"

Seeing that the beast tide below was approaching the gate of the Promise Gate, Qinghuang couldn't help roaring to encourage the beast tide below.


Sure enough, as Qinghuang expected, after his roar, all the monsters in the beast tide below responded to him, rushing desperately towards the Promise Gate.

At this moment, they no longer wanted to kill too many Wujimen disciples, they only had one goal in front of them, and that was to enter the Wujimen and destroy its mountain gate.

Seeing this, many disciples of the Wuji Sect who were not strong enough decisively gave way, allowing the beast tide to pass by them, but they scattered with a bang and fled in all directions. I ran for my life.

The real Wuji who saw this scene, who was already holding back his anger, was so angry that he almost passed out on the spot.

"Whoever abandons the sect and ignores it will be killed without mercy!"

Master Wuji's roar made many disciples hesitate, not daring to be as unscrupulous as those escaped disciples before, but hiding in the periphery of the beast horde, neither attacking nor fleeing far away, just fighting with the beast horde The monsters in it were deadlocked.

However, the countless monsters in the beast horde didn't bother to pay attention to them, but directly rushed into the mountain gate, and launched a frenzied destruction operation inside the Promise Gate.

Not only did they kill anyone they saw, but all the buildings they passed by were trampled to the ground by their hoofs and ceased to exist.

Under such crazy destruction, in just a moment, the Promise Gate suffered heavy losses, with ruins and ruins.

"This deity has fought with you!"

Suddenly, Immortal Wuji's eyes were red, and with a roar, he jumped into the sky.

When he came down again, he was no longer alone, but three strange powerhouses appeared, all of them were powerhouses from other great realms. [

"Beast, today is the time for your death."

Someone helped, Master Wuji showed a sinister smile, and let the other three people surround Qinghuang together.

Seeing this, Qinghuang's face remained unchanged, and his disdainful eyes swept across the four people present, revealing a murderous intent.


However, just when Qinghuang was furious, he suddenly trembled, and his eyes showed shock.

"It's the master... Hahaha, it's the master who's back..."

Immediately afterwards, Qinghuang was so excited that he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, then under the watchful eyes of Master Wuji and others, he disappeared strangely into layers of space without a trace.

At the same time, the beast tide below seemed to have also been ordered to retreat slowly in an orderly manner...

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