Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1625 : Chapter 775 Manor

"Yes, instead of wasting time here, it's better to hunt down those bastards quickly."


After many people found that there were no treasures here, they immediately lost interest in this place and wanted to leave quickly.

Hearing this, Qinghuang snorted coldly, motioning everyone to be quiet, not to disturb Ye Xuan's meditation.

Ye Xuan walked forward alone, in front of him was an ancient manor. [

Inside the manor, there is an atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes, which makes people have an inexplicable illusion, wanting to explore everything here.

It was precisely because of this feeling that Ye Xuan felt that the small village in front of him had a mysterious atmosphere, which made him think that there were some secrets in this place.

"You all look around, there should be something we want to know here." After Ye Xuan gave an order, he said: "Every group of ten people is not allowed to disperse, and keep in touch at any time."


Qinghuang left with some people, leaving a few people beside Ye Xuan, and followed Ye Xuan to the manor.

"Senior Ye, what exactly is this place? How could there be such an ancient manor, which seems to be somewhat similar to the manor in our world." Wu Nineteen was left by Ye Xuan's side by the Qinghuang. After entering the manor, he saw Behind the neatly arranged ancient houses one after another, he couldn't help asking in surprise.

Ye Xuan smiled lightly, and said: "Although there have been gods in the fairy world since ancient times, most of them ascended from our mortal world. So, after you ascend in the future, if you see the same things as the mortal world, you will also see them." Don't be surprised."

"Is the master in our world so powerful?" Everyone exclaimed, their eyes full of pride.

However, when they were extremely excited, Ye Xuan poured cold water on them from head to toe and woke them up.

"You don't have to be happy. It has been tens of thousands of years in our world that no one has ascended. If we can't survive the catastrophe this time, I don't know how many people will die, let alone ascend to immortality." Ye Xuan said coldly, then Go forward quickly, leaving the remaining few people with pale faces.

After a brief shock, Wu Nineteen hurriedly caught up with Ye Xuan.

Everyone searched the manor carefully, but found nothing suspicious, except for some extremely rare flowers and plants, they didn't even find anything of value.

"Go, go in." Ye Xuan took a deep look at the houses and said in a deep voice.

After saying that, he came to a house alone, and pushed open the door with powerful mana.

He was very cautious, extremely cautious, for fear that something dangerous would appear in the house.However, the moment the door was opened, there was a corrosive atmosphere inside, and he knew that there would be no danger here.

The door of this house has obviously not been opened for many years, and it is the most ordinary room, without any magic circle or powerful aura inside.Otherwise, there will be no corrosive gas.

After Ye Xuan noticed this, he breathed a sigh of relief, but did not relax, but walked in cautiously.

A dusty wooden table, a slightly worn-out chair, and a bamboo cage full of books.

The inside of the house was extremely simple, not as prosperous as Ye Xuan imagined, it was simply beyond his imagination. [

However, even so, this house attracted Ye Xuan's attention, making him unable to leave for the time being.

He didn't use any means, went over to pick up a book slowly, and patted it slowly, as if he was afraid that the book would turn into a pile of powder.

Then, under the puzzled gaze of Wu Jiujiu and others, Ye Xuan slowly turned to the first page and began to read carefully...

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