Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1856 : Chapter 897 The Power of the Divine Grass


At the bottom of the lake, Ye Xuan's mana was like a huge wave, sweeping out from in front of him, rolling towards Zi Ying aggressively.


However, when this mana was about to engulf Zi Ying, the Gale Wind God Grass seemed to be manipulated by someone, and then suddenly came to Zi Ying's side. Ye Xuan's face paled for a while.

Ye Xuan was terrified by this blow, and he didn't dare to act rashly again. [

However, when he saw the Gale Wind God Grass came to the top of Zi Ying's head, like a baby just learning to walk, it was shaking around, and finally fell on top of Zi Ying's head.

Then, Ye Xuan suddenly widened his eyes.

After touching Ziying's body, the Godly Gale Grass emitted a burst of dazzling divine light, and gradually the divine grass turned into a bright and dazzling air, which penetrated into Ziying's body.

This scene was so weird that even Ye Xuan, with his knowledge, didn't know what was going on.

However, there is one thing Ye Xuan knows very well, this Godly Gale Grass is going to disappear.

Ye Xuan, who didn't have time to think about it, was worried that the power of Gale Wind God Grass would be wasted in vain, and worried that the other party would cause harm to Zi Ying.

So, he suddenly appeared in front of Ziying, and he wanted to prevent the power of Gale Wind God Grass from penetrating into Ziying's body.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he was about to make a move, Gale Wind God Grass took the first step, and powerful power flooded into his mind in an instant.

Ye Xuan only felt that when his eyes went dark, he didn't know anything.

In the darkness, Ye Xuan's soul was wandering, and he slowly woke up, as if he had passed through thousands of years, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable all over his body.

His whole body was so hot that he couldn't help but want to twist his body.


Ye Xuan moved his arms, but found that there was another person in front of him, and it was in his arms.

He suddenly opened his eyes, startled by the situation in front of him.

I saw that there was a naked woman in front of me, her skin was like snow. From the side, her beautiful eyes were closed, her red lips were slightly parted, she looked like a Sleeping Beauty.

This made Ye Xuan extremely shocked, because he found that this woman's appearance was somewhat familiar, and she was somewhat similar to Zi Ying.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xuan noticed a mass of evil fire rising up in his abdomen, and his gaze moved to the woman's legs involuntarily.

Then, Ye Xuan was completely dumbfounded.

It turned out that he and the woman had already blended together in the water, and they were still blending together until now. [

Ye Xuan swallowed hard. Although it was not the first time he had done this kind of thing, it was the first time he had this kind of thing happen to a woman in his sleep.

He tried his best to take a look at the woman's true face, and smiled wryly in his heart, who else could it be if it wasn't Zi Ying?

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that it was because of the Godly Gale Grass that it entered the Firefox Pond, and then it was melted by the power of the Godly Gale Grass.

Then, he tried to save Ziying, but he didn't want to be tricked himself, and he lost consciousness since then...

But, didn't he lose consciousness?Why is this happening?

The more Ye Xuan thought about it, the more something was wrong, and he felt as if he had been secretly manipulated since he stepped into the Firefox pool.


Just as Ye Xuan was thinking to himself, Zi Ying in her arms groaned comfortably, and slowly opened her eyes...

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