Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1905 : Chapter 924 Demon Swallowing Divine Art

Chapter [-]: Demon Swallowing Divine Art

The darkness shrouded the two figures, sneaking fast, and the next moment they appeared on a desolate mountain range.


At the same time, the void shattered, and a tall and mighty figure appeared, slowly coming through the void.

"See the magic commander!" [

Ji Cangsheng and Ji Cangtian bowed to the ground.

As proud as the two of their brothers, they couldn't help but feel admiration in their hearts when they saw the comer.

The tall figure in front of him is the supreme commander of the entire Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, controlling the lives of thousands of demons.

"How are you two brothers practicing?" Mo Shuai asked each other, his tone was as indifferent as ice, reverberating around, stirring up thousands of waves.

Ji Cangsheng hurriedly said: "This subordinate's magic swallowing skill has been cultivated to the seventh level."

"The magic swallowing skill of my subordinates has also been cultivated to the seventh level." Ji Cangtian also replied.

Hearing this, Moshuai nodded and said: "Since this is the case, it is time for you to take action. You two must understand that although you are human monks, I believe in your devotion to the demons, so I will not hesitate Going against the ancient will, teach you the magic swallowing skill. This time you go to the fairy world, you must make some achievements, otherwise you will not come back to see this deity."

Mo Shuai's seemingly simple words made the two Ji Cangsheng brothers tremble and their faces turned pale.

"Subordinates keep in mind the teachings of the Demon Commander, and swear to be loyal to the Demon Commander to the death!"

The Ji Cangsheng brothers kowtowed again and again.

Seeing this, Mo Shuai showed a satisfied smile, and then the smile flashed away, and he waved his hand to signal them to leave.

The Ji Cangsheng brothers hurriedly got up and left, never daring to look up at Mo Shuai from the beginning.

After they left, another person appeared behind Mo Shuai.If the two Ji Cangsheng brothers were here, they would definitely be able to recognize this person as Boruo Demon Venerable, one of the Seven Great Demon Commanders.

And it was the Overlord Demon Venerable who had the conversation with the Ji Cangsheng brothers before.

"Brother, are these two humans trustworthy?" Boruo Mozun asked in a deep voice.

For many years, he and the Tyrannical Demon Venerable lived and died, and the relationship between them was like brotherhood, so when they spoke, they didn't have too much restraint.

Hearing this, the Overlord Demon King shook his head and said, "Except for ourselves, there is no one in this world worthy of our trust."

"Then why did the elder brother teach them the magic swallowing skill?" Poruo Mozun asked puzzledly.

Overlord Mozun chuckled and said: "If you don't teach them this powerful magic art, how could they take the initiative to kill those masters in the fairy world? If you think about it carefully, the most urgent thing for the two of them is to improve their cultivation. Now I Given the opportunity to improve their cultivation by devouring the masters of the fairy world, why should they hesitate?"[

"As expected of a big brother, you are really thoughtful." Poruo Mozun suddenly realized and praised again and again.

The two of them naturally did not expect that the two extremely common people brothers who had rushed to the fairy world at this moment were also secretly plotting.

"Brother, who shall we kill first?" Ji Cangtian asked.

Ji Cangsheng shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter who we kill, the important thing is that no matter who we kill, as long as we can improve our strength, that's a good thing." The two Great Immortals will easily kill each other." Ji Cangtian secretly said excitedly.

Ji Cangsheng nodded, not too surprised.

His cultivation level is almost the same as that of his younger brother, but because his courage is better, he improves a little bit faster every time he practices spells.In this way, after a long time, his cultivation will gradually get rid of his younger brother...

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