Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1924 : Chapter 934 Defeat

No one in sight!

At the same time, this word popped up in the minds of the participants.

"court death!"

The master who threatened to take the heads of Ji Cangsheng and Ji Cangtian before flew away immediately.

"Let the Pu Brotherhood meet this devil first, and see what the other party is capable of, and dare to speak out here." [

The few remaining people nodded repeatedly, their eyes fixed on the battlefield.

However, they soon turned pale.

Because, the master who rushed forward was killed by Ji Cangtian at the first sight, holding a dead head in his big hand, looking around arrogantly, and laughing wildly.

"What kind of bullshit master, so useless!" Ji Cangtian scolded.

Then, as if enjoying himself very much, he wrapped that master's head with a cloud of black air, and soon his head was only left with a shell and bones.

The humiliated masters of the Ultimate Bliss World really wanted to rush up and screw Ji Cangtian's head off, but the weird scene before made them all dare not do it easily.

Although they wanted to show off, because of the possibility of their lives being lost, no one was willing to stand out.

On the other side, the immortal army and the demon army rushed back and forth several times, leaving behind a lot of corpses.

"Which one of you still wants to go?" Ji Cangtian pointed at Canzhe Tianwang and others with a scary tone.

The Celestial King Zhan raised his eyebrows, finally suppressed the murderous intent in his heart, waved his hand, and ordered the army to retreat.

Then, news of the defeat of the Immortal Army came out again, and even Xiansha Island did not defend it.

After retreating, the army of the fairy world found another small island to camp. Everyone was anxious and fidgeting.

Because, they all understand that the camp in front of them is only temporary, and they may retreat again in the next moment.

"Didn't Heaven want to send masters? Why hasn't there been any movement until now?" Several masters surrounded the gloomy-faced Zhan Tianwang, discussing continuously.

"Hmph, how could they send a master in such a hurry?"

"That is, they wish that our entire army would be annihilated, so as to take the opportunity to weaken the strength of our Paradise of Elysium."

"Then what should we do? We can't just defend so stupidly, right? If the magic army attacks aggressively, neither you nor I can escape."

"I don't want to die here without knowing why."

"Me too……"[

Listening to these words, the Canzhe Heavenly King's face became even uglier.

Although he didn't say anything, he was also guessing in his heart whether Tianting really wanted to take this opportunity to weaken their strength.

"Could it be that the news of sending fifty masters is just a cover?"

The king of participants began to hesitate.

"Okay, stop arguing!" The Celestial King of Participants finally spoke, with a gloomy expression on his face, and said repeatedly: "Now that the demon army is overwhelming, do you think about any good ways to stop the other party?"

"Heavenly Court can't send masters, how can we stop the demon army with the power of a few of us? The remaining monks, who seem to have good cultivation, may turn around and run away in the real battle .” One sneered.

Hearing this, the participating Heavenly King said in a deep voice: "According to your wishes, should we just withdraw to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss and stop participating in this matter?"

"Hmph, why not? It's their treachery from the Heavenly Court, and we don't blame us." Several people argued, but the fear in their eyes couldn't be concealed.

"Hmph, the top [-] masters on the ranking list, I think they are people with no reputation. I am afraid that the people on the ranking list are all randomly ranked. How can there be any masters who have killed several magic generals in a row? Especially That Chi Xuanyue, who can kill the son of the Demon Commander, in my opinion is deceiving the world's ignorance!" Another person said angrily.

Soon, they all kept silent, because dozens of figures floated in their sights...

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