Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1934 : Chapter 941 Countermeasures

Chapter [-] Countermeasures

The news of the defeat of the demon army in the fairy world spread throughout the three worlds and six realms in an instant. It is said that there are very few demon army left on the magic star.

The entire fairy world knows that the battle on Xiansha Island was the most decisive battle in the entire battle between immortals and demons.

In that battle, they won more with less, killing the entire magic army without leaving any behind.

Although Chi Xuanyue, ranked number one among the top fifty masters who bore the brunt afterwards, disappeared, but similarly, the two trolls in the demon army were also defeated and fled away. [

It was precisely because of this battle that the two giant demons, who had been invincible all the time, were wiped out by Chi Xuanyue, so after losing their command, the demon army was completely in disarray, and was quickly killed by the army of the fairy world.

Then, the army of the fairy world followed the path of the magic army and chased them out.

Along the way, this army of immortals won many opportunities for other armies of the immortal world, which changed the situation on the border of the immortal world suddenly.

It didn't take long for the demon armies from all sides to be attacked by the imposing Dazu from the Immortal Realm one after another. They were completely defeated and could only return to defend the demon star.

The army of the fairy world took advantage of this opportunity to directly attack the old scourge of the magic army - the magic star.

No one in the magic army expected that this time the army of the fairy world would be so crazy that it would directly kill the surrounding area of ​​the magic star, and there was a tendency to wipe them all out.

In the demon army, people were panic-stricken, and many demons showed fear, but there were also some demons whose eyes were blood red and full of madness.

At this juncture of life and death for immortals and demons, the immortal king in the fairy world did not show up, nor did the magic commander above the magic star.

The atmosphere is extremely weird!

After half a month of confrontation, the army of immortals and demons finally couldn't hold back. They completely tore their faces and launched a bloody battle.

In this battle, countless masters were sent from the fairy world, all of whom were famous Immortal Golden Immortals.

And among the magic army, they finally showed a powerful force.

On the magic star, there are tens of thousands of demons disappearing every day.Similarly, the loss of the Immortal Army was quite heavy.

Countless masters of the fairy world were horrified. You must know that the magic star in front of them is just a force rushing out of the demon world.If people from the entire Demon Realm come to attack the Immortal Realm, can the Immortal Realm really be able to defend it?

They began to have some doubts.

Fortunately, this kind of thing doesn't happen.

The appearance of the magic star here is only a coincidence of tens of thousands of years.

After several months of fighting, the magic star was finally breached. However, the army of the fairy world suffered unprecedented heavy losses. The moment they set foot on the magic star, nearly a thousand Immortal Golden Immortals died.The army of the fairy world was destroyed in half.

Because, the Seven Great Demons are out! [

However, I don't know if it was God's will. At the same time, Wutian Immortal King and others in the fairy world finally appeared, and appeared on the magic star in an instant.

After this scene appeared, everyone knew that this magic star would soon be erased.

Therefore, the rest of the Immortal Realm army quickly returned to the Immortal Realm.

From that day on, in the fairy world, many masters will often feel the majestic aura outside the fairy world, constantly impacting the fairy world, as if to smash the fairy world.

And there are also some masters who watched a world-shattering battle from a distance.

It is said that in the end, only three of the seven masters escaped, and the remaining four were all killed on the magic star.

The Immortal Realm also lost two Immortal Kings, Wutian Immortal King and others were seriously injured, and finally destroyed the magic star, and returned to the Immortal Realm for complete retreat.

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