Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 1948 : Chapter 948 Mysterious Magic Weapon

In the fairy world, an inexplicable magic weapon flew in the void, and inside the magic weapon, thousands of monks were hidden.

"I don't know if Senior Ying has found Senior Ye..."

Among the treasures, many monks are in groups of three or five, with extraordinary relationships, all of them have ruddy complexions and extremely high cultivation, talking about some things.

Among the monks, there are actually people from the Xuanmen who were in the mortal world back then.

"Don't worry, Senior Ying is so powerful, he will definitely find Senior Ye."

"That is, after Senior Ye ascended, if Senior Ying hadn't protected us, we would have been killed by those bastards long ago."

"Senior Ying is our savior, and Senior Ye is our reborn parents!"

"Hey, if Senior Ye can handle Senior Ying, what would you say..."

"It's not impossible. The women around Senior Ye are stronger than each other..."

"I'm really envious..."

"Okay, don't talk anymore, Senior Huagu is waiting for someone to come..."

All of a sudden, these monks kept silent, looking into the distance with awe in their eyes.

The few people who came slowly turned out to be the Bone Demon King, several ancient holy beasts, and Ye Chonglou and others.

"Everyone, don't make random guesses. I just sent back a message from Senior saying that Senior Ye has been found." As soon as the Bone Demon King said this, there was a burst of cheers from below.

The Bone Bone Demon King is still at the Creation Realm, so to address Ye Xuan and Ying Haishang, who are already at the Immortal Realm, they should naturally be called seniors.

Not only him, among those present, the most powerful ones are also the masters of the Good Fortune Realm.

"Great, as long as we find Senior Ye, we can go out soon."

These monks were very excited. They have been in the fairyland for several years, but they have never seen what the fairyland looks like with their own eyes. The curiosity in their hearts is almost uncontrollable.

They only hoped to find Ye Xuan soon, otherwise, Ying Haishang would not let them show up in the fairy world.

As for the reason, Ying Haishang never told them.

Now, when they heard that Ying Haishang had found Ye Xuan, they were extremely excited immediately.

In their hearts, Ye Xuan is irreplaceable. With Ye Xuan's strength, they think that Ye Xuan must have won another piece of land in the fairy world.

That's why they are so eager to seek refuge with Ye Xuan.

"Everyone, don't get too excited. According to what Senior Ying said, Senior Ye has encountered unprecedented trouble!" The Bone Demon King immediately said another sentence, instantly silenced the audience. [

"Trouble? Senior Ye is in trouble? How is it possible? There are still things in this world that Senior Ye can't accomplish?"

"That's right, is someone trying to harm Senior Ye?"

"What? Who dares? I think he doesn't want to live anymore."

"Kill him, whoever dares to harm Senior Ye, then kill him."


The cultivators below instantly boiled over, their faces turned ashen, and they howled murderously.

The Bone Demon King waved his hand again, signaling the audience to be silent, and then said: "Senior Ying has already explained that if everyone wants to help Senior Ye, it will be impossible with our current strength. Anyone who wants to harm Senior Ye The power is one of the most powerful powers in the fairy world."

"No force, anyone who dares to harm Senior Ye will be killed!"

"That's right, even the heavenly king and I can't harm Senior Ye!"

"Cultivation! I want to practice! When I become the fairy king, I will destroy all his families!"

Seeing the reaction of the monks below, Ye Chonglou and the others were completely stunned...

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