Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 226: Chapter 76 1 Road North

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Chapter 76 All the way to the north

"Demon Lord?" Ye Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then thought of the Peach Demon Lord, and couldn't help asking: "Like you?"

"Yes, their strength is beyond what you can imagine. You may not believe it, but let me tell you, the strength I have recovered so far has not even reached one ten-thousandth of the peak state. You can figure it out yourself. "The Peach Demon Lord hummed and said.

Seeing Ye Xuan's stunned expression, the Demon Lord Pantao said again: "With your current strength, they can drown you with a single spittle."[

Ye Xuan was secretly horrified, but on the surface he remained calm.

"If the sky has collapsed, there will be a tall one to hold it up." Ye Xuan shrugged indifferently, and began to search the ruins seriously.

However, to his disappointment, there was no useful magic weapon left on the ruins of the Tianling Chamber of Commerce, only some medicine refining materials were found for him.

"It seems that if you want a magic weapon of space, you can only buy it by yourself." Ye Xuan thought about it, so he didn't plan to stay here any longer, got up and quickly left the range of Yundu City.

"The north has always been dominated by monks. I will take this opportunity to go there and make a living."

With this plan in mind, Ye Xuan headed all the way north and shot quickly.

All the teleportation arrays in Yundu City had been destroyed, so Ye Xuan could only run on foot, heading north.

A day later, Ye Xuan was already less than half the distance from Chicheng.

Along the way, Ye Xuan saw many cities destroyed, extremely desolate, and without any popularity at all.Many monsters wandered around in groups.

Occasionally encountering some fifth-level monsters, Ye Xuan could only take a detour.Fortunately, he did not encounter a monster with the talent of the pupil like the little monster.

Otherwise, with his current strength, he would definitely be torn to pieces by these monsters.

"Hey, Xiaoqing woke up." Ye Xuan, who was walking forward, suddenly looked overjoyed.

Then, he quickly glanced around, found a rather hidden place, and rushed over.

"Xiaoqing!" After arriving at the hidden place, Ye Xuan immediately summoned the little monster.

After Xiaoqing was summoned, her eyes were a little heavy, her mental state was not very good, her limbs were slightly weak, and she looked sluggish.

"Xiaoqing, have you recovered from your injury?" Ye Xuan asked eagerly, and Xiaoqing's response immediately sounded in his mind.

Ye Xuan understood that at this moment, Xiaoqing had been hidden in the purple jade ring by him after being seriously injured, and had hardly absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, that's why she appeared like this.

To put it simply, Xiaoqing's current appearance was "hungry".

"It's not easy, here it is!" Knowing that Xiaoqing's injury has gradually eased and there is no serious problem, Ye Xuan smiled happily, then took out a few demon pills and handed them to Xiaoqing. [

When Xiaoqing saw the demon pill in Ye Xuan's hand, she immediately stared, and with a whoosh, she sucked a few demon pills into her stomach in one gulp.

This speed only appeared when Ye Xuan met him for the first time and snatched the Fuling Pill.


When the demon pill entered her stomach, Xiaoqing immediately let out a few joyful yells, and after lurking quietly for a while, she jumped to the ground with vigor.

"Okay?" Looking at Xiaoqing who was alive and kicking in less than a stick of incense, Ye Xuan was slightly surprised, and thought in surprise: "Could it be that Xiaoqing grew up eating demon pills? Otherwise, why is he so Quickly digest a few demon pills?"

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