Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 238: Chapter 80 Yellow Sand City

Search "" to find us!
Chapter 80 Yellow Sand City

Dust covered the scorching sun, and countless monsters passed by.

Ye Xuan was wearing an invisibility robe, and kept dodging and dodging amidst the beast tide.And these giant beasts didn't know that there was a weak human being beside them, passing them by.

After a while, Ye Xuan finally broke out of the beast tide, and frantically returned to the original path alone. [

Half an hour later, Ye Xuan had returned to the place where he killed more than 60 monsters.

The monster beast corpses here have been trampled into pieces by the beast tide just now.

"Where's Gu Feng?" Ye Xuan anxiously searched the vicinity for more than an hour, but failed to find him.

Ye Xuan couldn't help thinking of the worst possible outcome.

"Could it be that Gu Feng didn't escape the pursuit of the blood demon eagle? Or was he swallowed by the beast tide that rushed back just now?" Ye Xuan didn't dare to continue thinking.

Before, Ye Xuan and Gu Feng were quietly following the beast tide, intending to hunt and kill a group of monsters again, but they didn't want to hide in a hidden place, they were discovered by the blood demon eagle passing by in the air.

So, they could only get up and run away.

However, on the way, they were attacked by a giant hooked poisonous scorpion, a fifth-level monster, and the two were forced to separate, unable to get together, thus losing the best opportunity to escape.

In the end, Ye Xuan and Xiaoqing fought alone, delaying the time, while Gufeng managed to escape.

Afterwards, Ye Xuan successfully dragged along the time, and went back to the original road with Xiaoqing to pursue the ancient style.

However, when Ye Xuan returned, he encountered another wave of beasts.This time the beast horde did not go towards the direction of Huangsha City, but came back from the direction of Huangsha City.

Ye Xuan thought about it carefully, and felt that it might be that these monsters had successfully breached Huangsha City, so they returned.

Thinking of Gu Feng waiting for him ahead, Ye Xuan galloped desperately, leaving the beast tide far behind.

However, what made Ye Xuan extremely anxious was that after searching all the way, he did not find Gu Feng.


While Ye Xuan was searching for traces of Gu Feng, the beast horde that had just been left behind came before him again.

In order not to attract the attention of the monsters, Ye Xuan could only dodge secretly, letting the tide of beasts slowly disappear in front of his eyes.

"Gu Feng!" After the beast horde had gone, Gu Feng searched around again, shouting Gu Feng's name non-stop.

However, to Ye Xuan's disappointment, he was still unable to find the other party. [

"Good brother, let's live and die in peace!" Ye Xuan sighed slowly, turned around resolutely, and walked towards Huangsha City.

Half a day later, Ye Xuan saw a huge city standing on the plain from afar.

"Yellow Sand City! This Yellow Sand City was not destroyed by the beast tide?" Ye Xuan was taken aback. According to his previous thinking, seeing the beast tide receding slowly, he thought that the beast tide had successfully destroyed the Yellow Sand City, so he would return.

However, now that a real yellow sand city stands in front of him, he can't help being surprised.

"Could it be that the retreat of the beast horde was caused by other reasons?" Ye Xuan thought for a while, then suddenly accelerated and walked towards the giant city.

A moment later, when Ye Xuan was under the city, he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

In front of my eyes, there was a trace of the great battle, many monsters were killed, even several fifth-level monsters died here.

"It turned out to be a one-hit kill!"

After Ye Xuan checked the corpses of these monsters, he immediately exclaimed.

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