Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 274: Chapter 92 Su Jinhua

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Chapter 92 Su Jinhua

If you want to assassinate, you have to keep your hands steady!

This is the first sentence of the opening chapter!

In the past few days, Ye Xuan has been practicing repeatedly for this sentence. [

At first, Ye Xuan just held the ancient demon-breaking sword, stood still, and practiced again and again.

Gradually, he began to walk around the training room at high speed, practicing the stability of his hands.

Until the end, he was able to stab the ancient demon-breaking sword steadily towards the target in the limited space of the training room while using the "Thousand-mile Journey".


The first big move of stabbing.

This move is the quintessence of the whole chapter, only after mastering this move can one master the other big moves that follow.

It was only when Ye Xuan first practiced "Strange Thorn" that he realized the benefits of practicing steady hands before.

It took a day and a night, Ye Xuan practiced non-stop, and after tens of thousands of times, he finally successfully cast the "sly stab" and stabbed his imaginary target to death.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is the day when the auction will be held.

Ye Xuan mixed with the crowd and entered the Tianshui Chamber of Commerce's auction with one billion Tianjing in his pocket.

Except for the [-] million Sky Crystals he had before, the one billion Sky Crystals were all obtained from alchemy in the past few days.

His Condensing Yuan Pill and Yunlu Pill have appeared in Tianshui City in large quantities.

In the past few days, Ye Xuan not only learned the first trick of stabbing path "Sly Thorn", but also obtained a considerable amount of Sky Crystal.More importantly, he became more and more proficient in using the Ancient Pomo Sword.Ye Xuan finally realized a little bit about the mystery of the Ancient Devil-Breaking Sword.

The only pity is that Ye Xuan did not have time to learn the art of refining weapons due to the rush of time.

The figures in the venue gradually swarmed, and within a moment, it was crowded with monks.

Ye Xuan still looked like a person who couldn't see the light, quietly sitting in a dark corner.

"Mad Demon Sect!"

Not long after Ye Xuan sat down, there were bursts of exclamations all around.

Looking for the reputation, I saw that the monks in the venue were looking at the few people who slowly entered the venue with vigilance. [

"Why did people from the Mad Demon Sect come to Tianshui City to participate in the auction?"

"Who is that person? It seems that his identity is not simple, and there are so many people following him."

The monks present all began to discuss, only a few people sat there with no expression on their faces.

"These people are actually from the Mad Demon Sect?" Ye Xuan was also secretly surprised.

Mad Demon Sect!

If you are famous, you can know who the other party is from.

Yes, these people are the people of the Demon Sect.

Their "demon" is not the demon of the demon "demon", the demon refers specifically to the beast, and the demon sect is built by a group of humans.

However, there are also similarities between Mozong and demons, that is, they can kill without blinking an eye, and they have no humanity at all.

What's more, the members of the Demon Sect are ten thousand times more cruel than the monsters.

This was the first time Ye Xuan met someone from the Demon Sect, so naturally he was curious and took a longer time to look at them.

There were several people on the other side, and the leader was a young man, holding a folding fan in his hand, he looked like a rich man.

However, the breath on his body is much more sinister than those ordinary young masters.Moreover, there was an evil look in his eyes.On his pale face, there was a lack of energy and blood, which could be seen at a glance to be caused by perennial sexual abuse.

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