Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 324 : Chapter 108 Extreme Heaven

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Ye Xuan was several feet away, and he already felt this ferocious momentum.

"Good come!"

Facing Ji Cangtian, who was two levels higher than himself, Ye Xuan didn't dare to be arrogant, and had already held the ancient demon-breaking sword in his hand.

Chi! [

Ye Xuan jumped up in the air, and a bolt of lightning shot out from his hand. It was the great power of the Ancient Demon-Breaking Sword that caused the surrounding air to explode, wiping out electric fire.

Ding Ding!

The two swords blocked a pair of sledgehammers, and Ye Xuan retreated sharply.

"It's amazing, at least it's a top-grade spiritual weapon!" Ye Xuan was shocked, the dragon-headed sledgehammer in his hand turned out to be a pair of top-quality spiritual weapons.

Among the monks, generally speaking, only those Berserkers would choose heavy magic weapons such as axes and hammers. Few people with a body like Ji Cangtian would choose such a large pair of sledgehammers.

This pair of sledgehammers is a top-grade spiritual tool, the material must be extraordinary, and the weight must be at least ten thousand catties!

In other words, every time Ji Cangtian swung the sledgehammer, he had to use a huge force of [-] jin.

"Crazy! This guy is definitely a lunatic!" Ye Xuan cursed secretly, thinking: "Nowadays, even if I am physically strong, I can't squander my true energy like this and use such a heavy magic weapon. Either this guy has the same physique as me, very Abnormal. Or a lunatic who doesn't know the depth, slaps a swollen face to pretend to be fat."

"watch out!"

Just as Ye Xuan was thinking to himself, Ji Cangtian's pair of sledgehammers hit the top of his head again.

"Hey!" Ye Xuan yelled coldly in his heart, and the ancient sword of Pomo immediately went up to meet him, stabbing several times with his sword, resisting the opponent's attack.

The two of them had a sword and a hammer, both were top-grade spiritual weapons, and the battle was very fierce.

"Damn it, where did that brat actually have a top-grade spiritual weapon?" Ji Cangtian found out that the sword in Ye Xuan's hand was also a top-quality spiritual weapon, and immediately cursed secretly, and couldn't help but think: "Is this guy some kind of secret?" The disciples of the family, come here to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers?"

"I don't care what kind of disciple you are from a secret family, if you spoil my good deeds, killing you will not relieve your hatred!"

After thinking about it, as the future second heir of the Wuji Sect, how could he have weakened the name of the Wuji Sect?

Therefore, Ji Cangtian swung the sledgehammer even harder, vowing not to give up until he smashed Ye Xuan to death.

Although Ji Cangtian's cultivation level is higher than Ye Xuan's, the pair of sledgehammers in his hand are indeed extremely expensive.In the past, very few people could take his ten hammers.

But I didn't want to meet this pervert Ye Xuan today!

With the cultivation base of the first stage of Huaji, he insisted on fighting with him for nearly a hundred rounds, and he did not lose the wind in the slightest. [

Of course, it is impossible for Ye Xuan to confront him head-on every time.Relying on his elegant body skills, Ye Xuan fought against the sky, causing more than half of the opponent's moves to miss, wasting his true energy in vain.

"Damn it, I'm so mad!" Ji Cangtian turned pale, angry and angry.

After fighting for a long time, he couldn't even touch the boy's side, wasting his strength and essence for nothing.

Seeing Ye Xuan's still calm appearance, Ji Cangtian finally stepped back a few feet and put away the sledgehammer.

He knew in his heart that if he didn't put away the sledgehammer, he might die of exhaustion here.

"Baji Palm!" After receiving the sledgehammer, Ji Cangtian immediately blasted out several palms, shouting loudly.

Seeing the opponent's sudden change of tactics, Ye Xuan was also shocked. Looking at the opponent's palm technique, it turned out to be an earth-level palm technique, which was extremely powerful.It is more than a hundred times stronger than my own Bangtian Palm.

"Damn it, blow you up to death!" Ye Xuan suddenly laughed sinisterly, and a faint flame appeared on his palm, which seemed to be extinguished.

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