Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 352: Chapter 121 Illusory Continent

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Chapter 121 Thousand Fantasy Continent ([-])

Staring blankly at Ye Xuan's sincere face, at this moment, Han Ruxue's heart quietly melted...

After that, the three chatted casually for a few words, and each of them entered the state of cultivation.

Watching the two daughters start to practice quickly, Ye Xuan quietly took out a gem that was shining brightly.It was Feng Xingzi who gave it to him before his death, saying it was a relic of his parents. [

Touching the gemstone, Ye Xuan's thoughts raced, as if he had returned to his childhood.

"Senior Feng said that this was left to him by his parents, but what is the function of this gemstone?" Ye Xuan pondered for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what is so special about the gemstone in his hand.

"Boy, this is an extremely rare memory gem. You can leave a memory in it for others to view. You try to find it with your spiritual sense." Finally, the extremely weak Peach Demon Lord finally appeared.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan exclaimed in surprise: "Old man, have you finally recovered?"

"Finally restored to the top ten! Kid, where did you get the memory gem in your hand?" The Peach Demon Lord asked repeatedly.

Ye Xuan slowly recounted what happened in the past few days, and the Peach Demon Lord secretly raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Good boy, you have finally grown up. I really didn't expect that you could break through to the first level of Huaji so quickly, and raised the mind of Thunder Nine Changes to the second level. Your cultivation speed is even enviable to me. Hate." The Peach Demon Lord exaggeratedly exclaimed, and the strong smile on his face could not be concealed no matter what.

"I just realized a sentence now, it is extremely profound! Only by suffering and suffering can one become a master!" Ye Xuan laughed a few times, and said, "I think, only by suffering and suffering can one become a god!"

The Demon Lord Pantao laughed loudly, and said, "Okay, kid, quickly check the memory gem and see what your parents said."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and entered the memory gem with a ray of consciousness with a solemn expression.


There was a roar in Ye Xuan's mind, and there was a scene that made him burst into tears.

"Father, mother!"

The scene in front of me gradually became clear, gradually showing a man and a woman cuddling each other.

"Xuan'er, when you see this scene, it also proves that both parents have passed away." The man's voice sounded, and the picture flashed, and there was a scene of him stroking his wife's beautiful hair, with affectionate eyes.

"A man should be self-reliant! Even if your parents are not by your side, you must live an upright and upright life. Don't lose the name of my Ye family." If you are dead, you don't know who the enemy is. Therefore, Xuan'er, you must not look for the enemy. As long as you live in peace, the spirits of your parents in the sky can also rest in peace."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan trembled suddenly.

"Senior Feng said that the surname of father and mother's enemy was Ye, why did father make such last words at this moment? Could it be that there is some ulterior secret in it?" Ye Xuan was a little angry, why didn't his father tell him?Could it be that you are worried that your cultivation level is not enough to avenge you?

As a son of man, how could I not take revenge when my parents were killed? [

Ye Xuan really wanted to roar and question his father, but this scene was just a memory, not a real scene.

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