Step by step fairy machine

第383章:第137章 1家1家的灭过去

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Chapter 137 The Destruction of One Family In the past, Tian Ruoruo stood in the ancestral hall at dawn, looking around absentmindedly.

"He didn't do anything..." At this moment, Tian Ruoruo didn't know whether it was disappointment or happiness.

Then, she thought of the peerless looks of Qi Shuiyao and Han Ruxue.

"Hehe, it's no wonder that he has two beautiful sisters to accompany him, does he still need me?" Tian Ruoruo laughed at himself a few times, and left feeling disappointed... In a wing room of Tian's house, Ye Xuan experienced a night , I still couldn't calm down in my heart. [

"Boy, I already knew that your life experience is not simple, but I never thought it would be so terrible." Demon Lord Pantao exclaimed, and said: "For your appearance, a family has given up everything like this, even at the expense of several generations of descendants , in order to let you be born!" Ye Xuan said nothing, looking at the ground expressionlessly.

"The ancient family was wiped out by the beast tide, is it also destined by God?" Ye Xuan thought of Gufeng's family, up and down, dozens of people were swallowed up by the beast tide.

Now, Gu Feng doesn't know whether he is dead or alive.

Ye Xuan clearly remembered that in the Tian family's ancestral hall, the old man said that no matter what they did for themselves, the Tian, ​​Gu, and Shentu families should do so.

"What is my identity?" Ye Xuan suddenly felt that there was a big hand behind him, controlling his life in the dark.

He thought of the people around him who all died tragically or were forced to separate, and he was puzzled.

"Boy, don't think about it. One day you will know all this." The demon master Pantao persuaded, "Now, you can only improve your strength as soon as possible and protect the people around you. The Tian family has paid so much for you, you It is indeed necessary to do something for them." Hearing this, Ye Xuan nodded, calmed down, and carefully read the entire scripture of "The Trapped Beast Will Still Fight".

"It's actually a powerful body and soul!" A moment later, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and shouted in surprise.

The only difference between this scripture and the one that Gu Yan gave him before is that it mentions the strength of the body and soul.In addition, there is a method of strengthening the body and a method of strengthening the soul.

Body sculpting!Strong physical body.

Strong magic!Strong soul.

However, this method of strengthening the physical body is one level behind the method of tempering the physical body with the Thunder Nine Transformations.On the contrary, it was the secret technique of "Strengthening God", which surprised both Ye Xuan and the Peach Demon Lord.

"Boy, as long as you have learned this art of strengthening the spirit, you will never have any accidents if you want to use the art of restraining the soul." The Peach Demon Lord laughed loudly, "This is simply a treasure bestowed on you by the heavens. Boy , your luck is too strong. Those who are your enemies will probably be trampled to death by you." Ye Xuan also looked happy.

"Okay, since that's the case, it's time to tell the Tian family the good news." Ye Xuan got up and left the study room, and directly called everyone into the Tian family hall.

"My lord, do you already have a solution?" Tian Yan asked excitedly when he saw Ye Xuan took the initiative to call everyone to come.

Ye Xuan smiled and nodded.

Seeing this, Tian Yan immediately laughed excitedly and wept with joy.Even Tian Ruoruo, who was expressionless at the side, smiled and shed two lines of tears.

Seeing that the Tian family's father and daughter were so excited, Ye Xuan sighed inwardly, and said, "If it wasn't for me, how would your Tian family have ended up in this state..."

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