Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 394 : Chapter 145 Wanbao Gate

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Chapter 145 Wanbaomen

After Ye Xuan returned to Dafeng Chamber of Commerce, he called his second daughter and Tian's father and daughter together to discuss how to take over Wanbaomen.

"My lord, after we inquired about it yesterday, we got a preliminary understanding of some things about Wanbaomen." Tian Yan looked at Ye Xuan and said, "Qi Yuan is not the only owner of Wanbaomen. There is also a mysterious deputy sect master."

"Oh? How's your cultivation?" Ye Xuan asked calmly, showing no signs of uneasiness. [

At this point, Wanbaomen will win no matter what.With Ye Xuan's temperament, as long as he has this plan, he will try it no matter how difficult it is.

If you don't achieve your goal, don't give up.

"It is said that he is also a monk in the third level of transformation. However, according to the conversations of some monks in Qingsheng City, not only is the identity of the deputy sect master unknown, but his appearance is also erratic. Few people have seen it. Vaguely, in Wanbaomen, his status is higher than Qi Yuan's." Tian Yan said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Ye Xuan frowned, and asked, "Besides this person who is more difficult to deal with, are there any masters in Wanbaomen?"

"There are still some, but for the young master, it shouldn't be a problem." Tian Yan smiled and said: "There are two elders, both of whom are in the first stage of extreme transformation, and the family strength is not weak. There is another elder The disciples are also at the first level of Huaji Realm, and their talents are good. Others are all at the Divine Light Realm, so there is nothing to worry about."

Ye Xuan nodded, did not speak, and thought for a moment.

Tian Yan, on the other hand, reported all the investigations yesterday.

Tian Yan is worthy of being the head of the clan, he is as careful as a hair, and has great foresight.

He inquired about Wanbaomen's related matters, from the top figures in the sect to some main business scopes, and even who often cooperates with Wanbaomen.

After finding out this situation, Ye Xuan's understanding of Tian Yan immediately changed.

"In that case, then I will go alone and meet this mysterious deputy sect master!" Ye Xuan showed a sly smile, and without waiting for anyone to speak, he left only a word, and then walked out of the chamber of commerce.

"No one has to follow, I'll be fine."

The voice was still echoing in the repair room, Ye Xuan's figure had already left the door, and came to the avenue of Qingsheng City.


A moment later, Ye Xuan appeared in front of a mansion.

This mansion is the headquarters of Wanbaomen.

Wanbaomen is different from other sects in that it was not built in the middle of the mountains, nor did it choose a spiritual mountain with beautiful mountains and clear waters and full of fairy spirits, but it was located in this blue holy city.

After Ye Xuan thought about it carefully, he understood the other party's original idea of ​​establishing Wanbaomen.

"This faction's strength is average. I'm afraid they chose to establish a sect in Qingsheng City in order to survive. With the care of the City Lord's Mansion, it is indeed much safer." Ye Xuan knew in his heart. [

Thinking about it this way, Ye Xuan roughly understood Wanbaomen's daily style of doing things.

It must be such behaviors as calming down troubles, making money with harmony, having no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

"Senior, this is an important place for the sect, so don't trespass. If you want to find someone, please wait for the younger one to inform you."

Just as Ye Xuan walked two or three steps in front of the door, a guard came up to meet him.

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