Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 52: Chapter 18 Tragedy

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Chapter 18 Tragedy

In the endless darkness, a muddy and embarrassed figure ran around like crazy.

Wherever he ran, there were corpses everywhere, those horrible skeletons were of different sizes, some were higher than hills, some were as low as cats and dogs.

This person is skilled in movements, as long as he touches the bones with his palm, the bones will disappear, and it is unknown where they were captured. [

However, he didn't choose the big and give up the small. There are some extremely inconspicuous skeletons, but the more he collects them, the more excited he is.

"Thunder Leopard...Ice Silk Spider..." Ye Xuan was drooling excitedly, "Old man, how many crystals can these bones sell for?"

"Hahaha, brat, your heart is moving, this price is absolutely unimaginable for you." It can be heard that the Peach Demon Lord is also extremely excited.

Ye Xuan couldn't care less about continuing to ask, he looked at the stench of the corpses in front of him, which he regarded as a fearful existence a moment ago, but now they are closer than his own father.

He praised in his heart: "Old man, I adore you!"

After that, he once again indulged in this barrier-free collection.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Xuan suddenly screamed miserably, almost like going crazy.

"Ahhhh...I'm going crazy..." Ye Xuan howled wildly.

The Demon Lord Pantao hastily asked: "Boy, why are you crazy?"

"It's full... it's full..." Ye Xuan cried out in pain, "the purple jade ring can't hold anything... ah..."

Hearing this, the Demon Lord Pantao immediately sweated profusely.

"Bastard boy, what the hell is your storage ring?" Peach Demon Lord roared like thunder, "Why is it so full after you put it on so little?"

"Treasure hunting? What a fart! It's all over now, there are so many treasures in front of you, you have no chance to store them!"

The Demon Lord Pantao scolded Ye Xuan in one breath.

Ye Xuan was scolded bloody by the Peach Demon Lord, but he had nothing to say, his face was bitter, as if he had lost his soul.

"Old man, what should we do now?" Ye Xuan asked helplessly.

"What else can I do?" Demon Lord Pantao hopped her feet angrily, "If you meet a superior person, throw away the inferior one!"

"Damn, why did I bet on you bastard..."

The more the Pantao demon master thought about it, the more angry he became, and couldn't help but curse a few more times. [

Ye Xuan gave a wry smile, and could only nod his head.

"Old man, tell me, which of the bones in front of you are good? Which are bad?" Ye Xuan asked extremely depressed.

The demon lord Pantao said angrily: "Let's go first, the things here are no longer good things, besides, even if there are good things, do you still have a place to store them? I'm really mad at you bastard."

"I didn't expect such a tragedy..." Ye Xuan almost wanted to scratch himself to death.

"The front one is collected, throw away the bone of the tailless lizard just now..."

After an unknown amount of time, the demon master Pantao cursed.

Hearing this, Ye Xuan immediately took out a skeleton from the purple jade ring and threw it not far away, and then put away the one in front of him.

"Take this one away. Throw away the original two-headed flood dragon, one-horned tiger, and vampire demon moth."


Next, along the way, Ye Xuan kept throwing the skeletons he had collected with a bitter look on his face.

In the dark passage, Ye Xuan walked alone, throwing a skeleton from the ring from time to time, and then put away the one in front of him.This went on and on for nearly two hours.

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