Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 667 : Chapter 286 Sound Transmission

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Chapter 286 Sound Transmission

Dragon God Battlefield!

The masters of more than a dozen empires closed their eyes at this moment, and quickly recovered their true energy. (⊙﹏⊙⊙﹏⊙)

However, some people are pretending, their lips move slightly, obviously communicating with others. [

"Old Meng, what do you think of this Ye Xuan?" The eldest prince Zhou Qilong had a sullen face, his eyes closed, but he was talking to Meng Changxue in secret.

Meng Changxue closed his eyes and replied, "Very good, with great potential. He is a very good helper and a very difficult opponent."

"Hehe, I didn't expect Elder Meng to value him so much." The First Prince laughed, "If this kid has a chance to go in the Heavenly Tomb this time, you can win him over and see if he is willing to come and help me, no matter what the conditions are. If you don't want to, then don't let him out."

The eldest prince's laughter was full of viciousness.

Meng Changxue nodded, and then said: "Prince, I'm not sure about killing this son."

"Oh? Even Mr. Meng, you are not sure?" The eldest prince was surprised.

Meng Changxue said: "Yes! However, since it is something His Royal Highness told me, the old man must risk his life to complete it."

Hearing this, the eldest prince nodded, without saying anything, and fell silent again.

At the same time, the third and eighteenth princes on the side were also secretly communicating with Lu Kongfan and Lu Wanli to discuss some matters.

"Brother Lu, if you have a chance to enter the Heavenly Tomb, you must win Ye Xuan over. If you can't, kill him." The third prince said in a deep voice.

He saw Ye Xuan kill three masters of the [-]th level of transformation by himself without any effort, and he felt a huge threat.

This person Ye Xuan cannot be a friend, he can only get rid of him!

The third prince felt an unprecedented sense of restlessness.

Lu Kongfan nodded and responded without asking any questions.

He also poses a great threat to Ye Xuan.

Since he has waded through this muddy water and joined the struggle between the princes, he must stand on the same front as the third prince and wipe out all the enemies.

"Brother Lu, if you enter the Heavenly Tomb, please remember one thing." The Eighteenth Prince smiled, but the voice that came from the secret was cold, "If Ye Xuan can't be our friend, Then you can only kill him. Even if you team up with Meng Changxue and Lu Kongfan, you must get rid of him. Although Meng and Lu have potential, they are far behind Ye Xuan. Like Ye Xuan Such a heaven-defying character, if he cannot be killed in the cradle, he will no longer be able to control him in the future."

Lu Wanli nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Prince, don't worry, I've made a note of this matter."

The group of people were polite on the surface, but they were vicious in secret. They already regarded Ye Xuan as their biggest enemy. [

However, Zhou Qiming is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he is also secretly planning with Ye Xuan at this moment.

"Brother Ye, the next round of competition is the time to show your personal strength. Don't worry about it. No matter who you meet, just kill them." Zhou Qiming pondered, and said: "In the big country competition, you If you don’t act cruelly, others will kill you.”

"Don't worry, Brother Zhou, I have my own measure." Ye Xuan nodded slightly.

After a pause, Zhou Qiming said again: "Brother Ye, you must be careful with Meng Changxue, my elder brother will definitely let him play tricks on you. If you find anything wrong, you must act first. Qiang, kill the old guy first. And Lu Kongfan, Lu Wanli, the third brother and the eighteenth brother will never let you go. There are only two methods for you, win over and kill!"

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