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Chapter 868 : Chapter 388 Alive

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Chapter 388 Alive

Her father was the master of a pavilion. Although her cultivation was not against the sky, it was enough for her to spend a stable and happy childhood in a third-rate city like Yundu City. /www>

If her mother hadn't passed away shortly after she was born, it would be impossible for her to be loved by no one.

In addition, her physique is a rare Yin evil body in the world. Since she was a child, her body has been tortured in pain every month. [

Every month, her father only provided her with some analgesic pills, and the rest of his thoughts were all placed on the sect.

As a result, to this day, in her heart, there is only that silly boy who doesn't think about himself but puts all his heart on her.

Although he has a low cultivation base and no power, he has the courage to steal the treasures of heaven and earth several times for her.

In those years, there were many miraculous medicines stolen for her. If it was Tianjing, his cultivation would not have been ridiculed by others for several years.

She remembered all the scenes in her heart.

Back then, when he was expelled from the sect by his father, she cried until she died, and she was in a trance for several months.

She wanted to repay, but God didn't give her a chance.

The beast tide broke out, and she was separated from her father and others. She met the disciple in the sect, but she didn't want to be betrayed by the other party to the Valley of Joy.

Since she was sensible, she was ready to leave this body to him, but she didn't want to be auctioned off as a slave by others.

If it wasn't for the other party's tricks to make her unable to move, she would have been ashamed and killed herself.

When her body was exposed in front of everyone, at that moment, she really thought of death!

She hated herself, hated herself for being violated by other people's evil eyes before she could repay him in the future.

She knew that it would not be long before this body of hers would inevitably be defiled by others.

She wanted to show her ambition by death, but she couldn't help herself, she couldn't even die.

She never dreamed that he would appear and come to save her again without taking his life.

In this life, she will not be able to pay off these debts.

In order to save her, he fell into many siege, she knew all this, but she was powerless to go to rescue him.So she went to ask the old woman who wanted to take her as an apprentice.She knelt outside the cave for ten days and ten nights, but she still didn't move that cruel old woman.

Disheartened again!

She no longer expects others, as long as he dies, she will never live alone! [

On the night of the full moon, the old woman told her that he had escaped from Xuanling Continent.At that time, she, who was suffering from illness, smiled with peace of mind.

That night, she held a short dagger, gritted her teeth, and shook her wrist, and gently carved a figure on the stone wall, which looked a little unfamiliar, but made her extremely satisfied, smiling like a peach blossom.

Since then, for more than ten years, every night when the moon is full, suffering from illness, she will hold a short dagger and gently carve on the stone wall.

Gritting her teeth, trembling her hands, her eyes were tender like water.

Thinking of him, she can endure any suffering.Live just to see him.

More than ten years later, she has grown into a shady body and broke through the Golden Core Realm. She thought that this would help him, but she didn't want the cold poison to attack her heart.

Her body didn't become stronger with her advanced cultivation, but after being attacked by the cold poison, she instantly turned into a weak woman with no strength to restrain her.His health was deteriorating, almost to the point where he might lose his life at any time.

She gritted her teeth and persisted, as if she had never heard of the master's comfort.

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