Step by step fairy machine

Chapter 964 : Chapter 437 People

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Chapter 437 Ten People

"Huh, Si Xiang Dan was chosen by him?"

Shentu Ruoyi's big eyes flashed endlessly, bright and alluring. (www>

This time, her father, namely Shentu Tianlong, the head of the Shentu family, entrusted her with full power to recruit experts for the Danhui. [

That's why she, the rich lady, will appear here.

Shentu Ruoyi, she herself is a master of the fourth level of Jindan, and she has achieved such an achievement at a young age, which is extremely rare in the entire city of kings.If it weren't for the Shentu family's ancestral precepts, which stipulated that "Dragon's World" is only passed on to males and not females, with her talent and the power of "Dragon's World", it would be enough to make all the young heroes in the City of Kings, All trembling.

At this moment, she was sitting in the Xiongba Chamber of Commerce, watching the alchemy process of Ye Xuan and the others.

Among them, when Ye Xuan refined the embryonic form of Sixiang Pill, Shentu Ruoyi was immediately shocked beyond measure, his face was full of astonishment.

These ingredients were all selected by her herself. If she were to say which one was the most complicated to refine among the ten pills, she would definitely say it was the Four Elephant Pill.

At the beginning, she hesitated for a long time because of whether to choose this prescription.In the end, she gritted her teeth and decided to take a gamble.

Most people would not even dare to think about this alchemy recipe, even a true master craftsman must be extra cautious, I am afraid that no one from other aristocratic families would dare to use this alchemy recipe to select alchemy masters.

Because, if it is not good, a real master will be planted in the ditch.

It is really that the refining level of this elixir is too cumbersome, there are as many links as a cow's hair, and one cannot make mistakes. It requires the person who refines it to have deep knowledge and carefulness.

At this moment, under her horrified gaze, Ye Xuan has deduced all the steps of the Four Elephant Pill, so that the rudimentary form of this pill has taken shape, and it only takes a matter of time to complete the pill.

"Amazing! You really can't judge by appearances. I didn't expect that this guy is really a master of alchemy. No wonder he is so arrogant." Shen Tu Ruoyi was both happy and excited, which could not be expressed in words.

For many years, the absence of a real alchemy master in the family has always been an unspeakable pain for many members of the family.Now, seeing Ye Xuan so skillfully and quickly refining the Sixiang Pill into its prototype, Shentu Ruoyi could no longer control his emotions!

"Six Elephant Pills are so difficult that he has easily refined them. Could it be that his real level is still higher than this?" Shentu Ruoyi then thought of a question, and was immediately taken aback, obviously frightened by his own guess.

Ye Xuan's expression was calm, a Four Elephant Pill did not stump him, Shentu Ruoyi saw this expression in his eyes, and he was even more convinced of his bold guess just now.

"This Four Elephant Pill is really extraordinary, and it almost made me lose my hand." Ye Xuan thought to himself, "If I hadn't already mastered all the low-grade pills of the heavenly level, I'm afraid that if I wanted to refine this pill, There are bound to be several failures."

Now in front of him, there are two sets of medicinal materials of Sixiang Dan.

That is to say, Ye Xuan completed the refining of the prototype of the Four Elephant Pill in his first attempt.

"Soon, it will be successful soon." Ye Xuan secretly controlled the temperature of the fire, quickly swept across the six people beside him, and couldn't help sneering in his heart.

Although the cultivation bases of these people are almost the same as his, but the real alchemy skills are far behind, and they are not at the same level at all. [

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