Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

100. Longchen Flame Iceberg Explodes【2】

Long Chenyan was standing beside Long Chenyu, looking indifferently at him lying on the ground.Use the reader to read tens of millions of novels, completely without ads!

"Chendi, Chendi will take you to find Xuehu right now..." Long Chenyu didn't dare to sit any longer, and quickly got up to lead the way.

Long Chenyu brought the emperor to a certain part of the palace, and then told Master De: "Hurry up and take Xuehu out!"

Master De nodded in yes, and then ran in quickly.

Long Chenyan squinted his eyes, took a deep look at his younger brother, and said: "Don't do things that you will regret later!"

This is the longest sentence Long Chenyan said to Long Chenyu after entering the palace.

When Long Chenyu heard this, his handsome face changed color slightly!

Could it be that Brother Huang knows?

"My lord, here it is." It's not that Master De didn't want to hand over the snow fox to the emperor, but that he didn't dare to approach the emperor at all.

At this moment, Long Chenyu hugged a sleeping snow-white fox, and then turned to Yan who was beside him and said: "Brother Huang, the snow fox must be tired from playing and fell asleep."

However, the strange thing is that Long Chenyan just glanced at Long Chenyu indifferently, but he didn't even look at the snow fox in his arms.

Quietly, without saying a word.

For a moment, the air seemed to condense.

At this moment, Long Chenyu felt that the surrounding area was so quiet that he could hear the sound of the wind blowing across his cheeks, and he could clearly hear the sound of his heart beating like a drum.

Long Chenyu felt his heart beat faster and faster under the emperor's gaze, and the hand holding Xuehu to the emperor trembled a little.

Of course, that Master De's concentration and courage are not as good as Long Chen Yu's, and now his legs are already weak.

Obviously the emperor's eyes are so indifferent, without any anger, but it just makes people feel chills all over the body!

Therefore, under the oppressive "watching" of the emperor, this De Lord suddenly felt a strong desire to urinate in his lower abdomen, and then...

Then, pee!

Urine dripped down his pants!

"Emperor, Your Majesty..." While urinating, he fell limply on the ground, trembling all over.

However, Long Chenyan didn't even look at him.His eyes turned to Xuehu who was hugged in Long Chenyu's arms.

Catching the emperor's gaze, and seeing his subordinates peeing in fright, Long Chenyu's face became even more ugly, but this is not the most important thing now!

Why did Brother Huang come to look for Xuehu in such a hurry, but when he hugged Xuehu to him, he didn't reach out to take it, but just stared at them quietly? [

"Hmph. Hehe..." Suddenly, Long Chenyan laughed, ridiculed, ridiculed...

Looking at his younger brother, this imperial brother, he really "indulges" him, but, obviously, he really thinks he is stupid for pampering him?

"Huang, Huangxiong..." Long Chenyu almost had to kneel down to Long Chenyan like Lord De!

"Chen Yu, I gave you a chance!" Long Chenyan narrowed his eyes, and a cold light scattered out, sweeping towards Chen Yu.

Before Chen Yu could understand this sentence, he had already stretched out his hand and hugged Xuehu over!


Blood splattered and splashed on the faces of the surrounding people!

When Chen Yu took over the snow fox, the emperor casually pulled out the sword of the guards at the side, threw the snow fox, and slashed at it with his sword!

Before Xuehu could cry out, his body was split in two...

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