Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

126. Princess Fengwu enters the palace【2】

"Even the princess of the mysterious Feng Kingdom, you don't like her very much, you won't be with her, right?" Murong Piaoxue raised her small face, as proud as a peacock. book>

Long Chenyan's eyes deepened, and he narrowed his eyes threateningly, "Who is talking to you?" No wonder the little darling is indifferent to him today, it turns out that there are idlers at work.

When he finds out who told her, he must cut off that person's tongue and feed it to the dogs!

Murong Piaoxue tilted her head, her beautiful eyes flickered, "Are you guilty?" Don't act like you found out the mistress, it's true.

Long Chenyan stretched out his hand and pinched her soft willow waist, "You don't believe me?" He just thought that he was an insignificant person, and there was no need to let her know that no matter who entered the palace, they were not qualified to be compared with her. [

Murong Piaoxue shook her head lightly, "The Lun family lacks a sense of security!" Her brows were stained with some sadness.

"Heh..." Long Chenyan smiled when he heard the words, she still doesn't feel safe? "My whole heart belongs to you, concubine Aifei, yet you still say you don't feel safe? It's you who makes me feel so insecure..."

He is a human, she is a fairy, will she disappear in his time in a blink of an eye?

"Will you leave me one day when you get upset?" He stared at her seriously, as if he wanted to see the deepest part of her heart, but seeing her dodging eyes, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

For her, he has always been the active party, and she is only passively accepting his kindness and love for her.However, she has never personally made a promise similar to love to him from the beginning to the end.Everyone has selfishness towards love and lover, if possible, he wants to keep her in his arms, forever...

Even if you want to restrain her growing ability and break her wings that want to fly.

"Gululu..." In this somewhat tense atmosphere, Murong Piaoxue called out inappropriately, she pouted her small mouth pitifully, "Long Chenyan, I'm hungry..."

I was really hungry. It was time for lunch, but I was disturbed by those women, and then I was forcibly carried in by this wolf in sheep's clothing...

However, Murong Piaoxue's words seemed somewhat evasive to Long Chenyan.He wanted to force her, but he didn't want to. Forget it, one day, she will be moved by him.

"Okay, take my little baby to dinner now!" Get up from the bed and hold her in your arms.

Every now and then, amidst Murong Piaoxue's full anticipation, a table full of delicacies would be presented, maybe because she was too hungry, she put her head down and ate, ate, ate...

Long Chenyan yelled for her to eat slowly, but at the same time kept serving her the food she liked, like a considerate male servant, serving her meals by her side.

Piao Yu, who was standing by the side, had a slightly red face... Her mother's eating was really... too horrible to look at!

The emperor was actually very considerate enough to gently wipe the greasy mouth for the empress with a handkerchief after she ate a lot!

"Uh!" Murong Piaoxue left the seat, hiccupped in satisfaction, her face was flushed.

Long Chenyan smiled dotingly, took her little hand, "Are you full?"

She nodded, raised her pretty face and smiled at him contentedly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

At this time, Eunuch Liu came over from the outside and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, Princess Feng has arrived, you..."

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