Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

131. The quarrel with Long Chenyan【4】

The sky is gradually getting darker, and there is a tendency for the storm to come again. book>

Running wildly all the way to Jingzhu Garden, Murong Piaoxue cast the enchantment recklessly.

So, when Piao Yu followed in, he didn't see anything.He just shouted in a panic, but he didn't see the figure of Concubine Xue again.

I don't know how long it took for Piaoyu to turn around and leave. I don't know why the empress suddenly became like this, but for the present plan, I still have to find the emperor.

Inside the barrier, Murong Piaoxue quietly seemed to be deceived by the whole world, her eyes were a little dazed, she didn't want anyone to see her now.Especially Long Chenyan! [

She didn't want to see this hypocritical man who superficially did everything for her own good, superficially doted on her, but secretly trampled her to the ground.Knowing this truth is like letting a person who often gives candy to himself.

But after eating a lot of candies, he suddenly discovered that every candy he gave her was wrapped in poison!

never want to see him again...

No wonder I searched for so long, but I couldn't find the reason why my mana could no longer be promoted. He was the least prepared, so he ignored it the most... Now, he gave her such an unbearable fact!

How to teach her not to be angry? !

When she felt her cheeks cool down, Murong Piaoxue regained consciousness from her deep pond-like thoughts, and stretched out her hand to touch her cheeks, but her fingertips were wet and cold.

I was shocked immediately!

Isn't she a demon?Why are you crying?

Aren't demons without tears?

But why is she crying?

Who can tell her what's going on?

Suddenly, the sound of pattering rain came from outside the barrier, and Murong Piaoxue knew that it was raining.

From the clear moment just now, the wind and rain came again, are you also feeling sad for her?Could it be that Long Chenyan was actually very concerned about her status as a goblin, because she was afraid that her magic power would be too high to hurt him?

So, in this way, a little bit of pollen was added to her meal to trap her mana so that she could no longer be promoted?

Since you are so afraid of death, why keep me by your side?

In an instant, Murong Piaoxue's heart felt like this day, in this clean enchantment, bitter rain of tears dripped down!

"Xue'er, where are you Xue'er?" Suddenly, Long Chenyan's voice came.

Getting closer!

But, Murong Piaoxue is not worried, he is just a mortal, he cannot see her. [

Unless she wanted to show up in front of him, he didn't have the ability to see her. A high-ranking king probably didn't have the time to practice the law.

"Xue'er, where are you?" In the rain, Long Chenyan braved the rain and came to the Jingzhu Garden.

And the guards of Jingzhuyuan said with certainty that they saw Concubine Xue enter Jingzhuyuan.

After Long Chenyan walked in, he looked around and yelled for a while, trying to get her to come out voluntarily.However, this little woman seemed to have made up her mind not to see him, so...

So, he didn't want to wait any longer!

Putting two fingers together and touching the center of his eyebrows, for a moment, there seemed to be a golden airflow surrounding his hands.

He circled the airflow, circled a certain place softly, and then muttered words.

Murong Piaoxue felt that the barrier was loosening, and she didn't even have time to make up for it, the barrier had already been disintegrated!

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