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188. She wants to find out the truth

Murong Piaoxue would think, if one day Long Chenyan really fell in love with another woman, what would she do?

Dejected and sad, leave silently?

Crying, making trouble, and hanging himself three times, like those women in the harem of a court drama who are jealous all day long, fighting openly and secretly?

none of the above!

This is not her Murong Piaoxue's style. If Long Chenyan really betrayed her emotionally and physically, then she will... kill Xiaosan first, and then kill Long Chenyan! [

Strictly speaking, she, Murong Piaoxue, is also a mistress, isn't she?

However, before her, Long Chenyan didn't have any emotional debts, he didn't owe anyone, but now he owed himself one, kill!

Why did she hold back these days?

Because she, Murong Piaoxue, was not that stupid, even if a man wanted to change his mind, it was impossible for him to make a 360-degree change overnight.Use the reader to read tens of millions of novels, completely without ads!

What's more, that woman was a woman he had known for a long time and never liked before——Feng Xiru.

However, Feng Xiru's identity is worth pondering. There are three kingdoms in the world, Panlong, Fengwu, and Huxiao.

At this time, Hu Xiao invaded the border of Panlong, but Feng Wu, the eldest princess, appeared in the palace of Panlong Kingdom, and Long Chenyan's sudden change of attitude... Is there any hidden reason behind this? unknown?

For the next two days, Murong Piaoxue stayed in the Snow Palace, staying at home, and no one would go forward to disturb her.Wang Qianyun will be able to move freely again in a few days, and this time she can watch her own jokes.

Because Feng Xiru is very "favored" now.

Long Chenyan will go out tomorrow, and Murong Piaoxue has finally stepped out of the Snow Palace. She is going to find Long Chenyan. Many times, happiness is earned by herself, and she doesn't want to miss it just like that.

It's as if, if a person were to be sentenced to death, she would also figure everything out first.

Because I don't want to regret, I don't want to be ashamed.

In fact, Murong Piaoxue will never know, this is also the best thing about her, and it is also the most unfair thing about Ziye Jiangli.

Stepping out of the Snow Palace, I felt that the light of the setting sun was a bit dazzling. If it was a normal day, Long Chenyan would come to the Snow Palace at this time, in order to have dinner with her, but at this time, where is he heading?

Now, he should be dealing with government affairs in the meeting hall, right?

With a trace of anticipation, she went to the meeting hall.

On the long palace road, the palace people cleaned it very clean, but the palace road has been exposed to the sun for a day, and even if you step on it, you can still feel a hot feeling.

The crimson setting sun stretched her back very long, and with a sideways glance, she could see her own figure, alone.

She didn't know where she went, but her footsteps stopped. [

The two figures in front were drawn into harmony by the setting sun, one tall and straight, the other tall and slender.

Is this the legendary appearance of a talented man and a woman?

Murong Piaoxue lowered her head and sneered, it turned out that their relationship was so close that they could hug each other as if no one else was around.

The light of the setting sun is really too dazzling, I feel a little uncomfortable in the eyes, and there is a little itching in the heat.

She couldn't help raising her hand and rubbing her eyes like a child, the skin on her hand absorbed the worthless liquid.

Long Chenyan walked over with Feng Xiru in his arms, seeing Murong Piaoxue's figure, he couldn't help frowning.

"Homo, I have something I want to talk to you about."

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