Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 334 Birth of the New Lord of the Demon Realm

I saw him struggling hard, crying out for pain.

However, Long Chenyan still put his hands together, wrapped another pick of gold bars, and followed by another...

The baby's cries became louder and louder.

Murong Piaoxue's heart felt like it was about to break, "Yan..."

"Don't worry, the baby will be fine." Ziye Jiangli comforted him.

The child's demonic nature must be eliminated.

No one can be softhearted.

At this moment, Jin completely entangled him, only showing a small head.

The red spot between his eyebrows gradually dimmed, and the blood surrounding him also gradually dissipated.

His crying gradually became weaker with the passage of time...until it became silent...

Everything seemed to stand still.

Only the sound of the wind blowing through the ears can be heard.

Murong Piaoxue ran over there suddenly.

At this point, the baby has closed its eyes.

The golden whips on his body also untied one by one and disappeared.

At this moment, Long Chenyan was already standing beside Murong Piaoxue, and she hugged her son first.

"Leave it to me!" At this time, Ziye Jiangli had also got up, walked over, and stretched out his hand towards Long Chenyan.

Like a little angel, the baby was lying obediently in Long Chenyan's arms as if in a deep sleep, with long eyelashes flapping down, covering the entire eye sockets.

The delicate facial features are like finely carved by heaven.

The baby's pink is naturally pink under the snowy weather.

At this time, he was just a normal baby, enduring the cold of the wind and snow.

Murong Piaoxue didn't know why Ziye Jiangli asked Long Chenyan to hand over his son to her, but she didn't want it!

He quickly snatched his son from Long Chenyan's hands, and held him tightly in his arms. Fortunately, fortunately, his breathing was so long and powerful.

Long Chenyan and Ziye Jiangli looked at each other, but did not snatch the child back from her grasp.

Taking off the padded jacket on his body, Long Chenyan wrapped his son from Murong Piaoxue's arms, and put him in her arms.

"Let's go back to Snow Castle first!" The ancestor's voice sounded, but the breath was a little weak.

That baby is not soft at all!

Her old life was almost ruined in his hands.

Everyone heard the words and left one after another.

********************* Very cute and hot**********************

"Why did you go to the snowy region with you?" Murong Piaoxue knew that even though her son's demon nature had been lifted, he still had to stay in the snowy mountains.

And it was brought by Ziye Jiangli.

"Because he can no longer be by your side, and the Xueyu is the place where the aura of the snow mountain is the most abundant, which can completely eliminate his remaining demon nature." The ancestor explained.

Hearing this, Murong Piaoxue fell to the side and sat in a daze.

She has been a demon all her life. Could it be that her son can't be by her side all his life?

Long Chenyan hugged her into his arms, "Don't worry, there is always a way."

"Yes, there is a way!" The ancestor turned to face them.

Hearing this, Murong Piaoxue suddenly raised her head, with hope and eagerness in her eyes.

"What way, tell me? Tell me what I should do to be with the baby?"

"As long as you are not a demon, you can be with him!" The ancestor still said the same thing.

It froze Murong Piaoxue's heart. ,

She is a demon, a fact that can't be changed, saying this is tantamount to saying it for nothing...

Why, why is this the result?

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